
From The Wiki Camp 2
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< Jurta

Jurta's opinions on other The Wiki Camp 2 competitors. (OUTDATED)

no hard feelings but i use adblock most of the time... i might make an exception for you if you're not that annoying though!

Bacon Cola

i wonder what bacon cola would taste like... probably cola mixed with bacon, right?


i've watched a couple of stick figure animations actually, they were all really cool and fun to watch!!


hey what's inside you?? im curious!! haha just kidding you're cool


there's a lot you can do and that's cool :3

Fictional charcter

dreams really do come up with such cool stuff most of the time!


such a wacky person going around destroying webpages. evil little specimen

In a Nutshell Jr.

gone too soon 😭

SFD Jigsaw Piece

erm... spongebob dead??? who killed him that's what i want to know..

Paper Niko

you're a seal, right?? i heard they stink of gasoline....hopefully you don't

Sock Hater

i wonder why you hate sock so much....did they do something?? yeowch

Teenage Trouble Claws

he's really cool and stuff!! like we're both cats and stuff and i think that's nifty

The Computer

i really like how she looks!!! such a cool person....

The Eater of Wikis

aaahhh!!! very scary creature!!!!!! aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

The Wiki Machine

holds so much knowledge and knows what to do with it....i applaud your efforts!!


woah! this thing just keeps on changing its form!! before you know it it's something entirely different....