{{IRC message|00:00:00|{{Blink|55}}|Ever the mysterious mastermind, aren't we?|msg_color=#999|msg_opacity=0.5|msg_font=Courier New|class=anomalous}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|{{Blink|55}}|Ever the mysterious mastermind, aren't we?|msg_color=#999|msg_opacity=0.5|msg_font=Courier New|class=anomalous}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|{{Blink|55}}|I suppose it only makes sense. The spirit of change must wear many hats, after all.|msg_color=#999|msg_opacity=0.5|msg_font=Courier New|class=anomalous}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|{{Blink|55}}|I suppose it only makes sense. The spirit of change must wear many hats, after all.|msg_color=#999|msg_opacity=0.5|msg_font=Courier New|class=anomalous}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|I must go again, for now. The Wiki Camp is about to halt editing.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|We can agree on that interpretation.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|...I must go again, for now. The Wiki Camp is about to halt editing, I'm sure you know.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|In the downtime, I must continue my research on the {{Blink|9150625 phenomenon}}.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|In the downtime, I must continue my research on the {{Blink|9150625 phenomenon}}.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|{{Blink|It's}} very interesting, by the way. I've never quite seen anything like {{Blink|it}}. Haha.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|{{Blink|It's}} very interesting, by the way. I've never quite seen anything like {{Blink|it}}.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|Have you seen {{Blink|it}} around, perchance?|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|Goodbye for now.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|[THE ZEITGEIST]|Goodbye for now.|zeitgeist=true}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|{{Blink|55}}|Until the morrow.|msg_color=#999|msg_opacity=0.5|msg_font=Courier New|class=anomalous}}
{{IRC message|00:00:00|{{Blink|55}}|Until the morrow.|msg_color=#999|msg_opacity=0.5|msg_font=Courier New|class=anomalous}}
Host formed when Diary wanted to start her own esports team so she could expand her catalogue of fighting games. The first person she invited was Nurse Cap, who introduced Diary to traditional fighters. Wondering how to gather more members for the team, the two began throwing around the idea of an ad campaign. Nurse Cap eagerly offered to take on advertising for the team, creating a poster that read "join us for competitive games :)" thinking simplicity would bring the right people in. Due to a mistake during printing, only "games :)" could be read in the actual distributed poster.
Expansion of scope
Despite the misprint, the posters for Host (colloquially known as Hosters) were put up and displayed across Wikiland, attracting new members to the team. However, several of these new members joined with the pretense that Host was just a casual BYOG meetup. Some examples of gaming equipment brought to the first official meeting were: a Nintendo Entertainment System, a fully-functioning Gameplu, five copies of Settlers of Catan, a complete set of Lethal Dominoes, and Kirby. A bit conflicted, Diary and Nurse Cap decided to allow these less-competitive focused members to join the team, if only because it was getting a little lonely to only play sets against the same opponent IRL so many times.
Son of Dracula has never played a mainline Touhou game.
Nurse Cap dabbles in all kinds of traditional fighting games, but considers 3rd Strike her home where her heart and dedication both lie.
[THE ZEITGEIST] did not see the advertisements for the team, but heard from word of mouth that there was an eSports team going around recruiting members. [THE ZEITGEIST] proceeded to join thinking that "eSports" meant "exciting sports", in the hopes of finding a quarterback player for a football team. By the time HaZe figured out [THE ZEITGEIST]'s misunderstanding, it was too late - the damage had already been done.
Now chatting in #main on Host IRC chat.
awesome it works
hi guys
woah hii
i never used this before its so cool
yjid od yh
thia is teh firts time i join a chatroom unrelated 2 work
so uhhh guys we have a bit of a problem
halftime was announced, and it says teams need to have a maximum of 12 members
half time is fun i like when thea nouncers talk about eh players on the field
Host (short for Hardware Overclock Sound Team) is an electro music duo formed in 2022 by LiSt and [THE ZEITGEIST]. The duo made their debut with their mini-album Hexstallia Original Sound Track. Host is known for their electronic sound, which LiSt generates from a machine inside of the U.U.F.O.
Pre-Challenge 2
LiSt first formed Host not long after they signed up for The Wiki Camp 2. They took particular interest in U.U.F.O. after hearing it produce several EDM samples from its body. Curious, LiSt investigated U.U.F.O. and took a tour of its interior, where they found a studio room with a machine that resembled a DJ mixset. LiSt started to make their own songs with this set, and was fascinated by what it was able to produce. They wanted to make their own album, but needed help with mixing and mastering. LiSt found help in the form of a user on the Grand Closing Forums, who identified themselves simply as [THE ZEITGEIST], and agreed to assist with mixing. The two would go on to officially make the Host duo.
This section possibly contains unsourced predictions, speculative material, or accounts of events that might not occur. Information must be verifiable and based on reliable published sources.
In an interview with Bandcamp, LiSt revealed that while LiSt and U.U.F.O. worked together physically, they had never met [THE ZEITGEIST], face to face, stating that "for now, it's just not meant to be. They're helping us over the internet with his computer, and that's that."[1] Despite confirming the backstory and formation of Host in other interviews, LiSt has not explained any further information about [THE ZEITGEIST], leading some to believe that [THE ZEITGEIST] has ulterior motives or alternate reasons as to why they stay hidden.
Hexstallia Original Sound Track
Putting the U.U.F.O. to a test, Host produced a soundtrack for the game Hexstallia, which consists of short songs taking inspiration from various EDM subgenres. The album release was met with decent success despite its short length. LiSt's friend Snake Plant made an appearance on the soundtrack release with a remix of OPTIONSCHRANZ.
This is an archive of Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs. For the current iteration of the page, see Host. (Discuss)
As per Emoticon's wishes, the history of this page is easily accessible through the tabs below. Red represents new text made in edits.
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P [will remove later, just keeping for now to show that this isn't me just assigning her a team lol]
It is currently unknown why Emoticon would specifically want to make a team with only herself.
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P [will remove later, just keeping for now to show that this isn't me just assigning her a team lol]
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
It is currently unknown why Emoticon would specifically want to make a team with only herself.
( hey, can this be removed? it's for a good reason, i just don't really want to say it. )> :T
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P [will remove later, just keeping for now to show that this isn't me just assigning her a team lol]
Host ([acronym here]) is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P [will remove later, just keeping for now to show that this isn't me just assigning her a team lol]
Host ([acronym here]) is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P [will remove later, just keeping for now to show that this isn't me just assigning her a team lol]
Host ([acronym here]) is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P [will remove later, just keeping for now to show that this isn't me just assigning her a team lol]
Host (Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs) is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
Host was formed by Emoticon, and then later named after the card Hog Rider from Clash Royale, a game which she enjoys.
( also, dude, cmon )> :/
[Is it alright if I ask you why you want to be on a team by yourself? Don't worry, I'll remove this and your answer later.]
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P [will remove later, just keeping for now to show that this isn't me just assigning her a team lol]
Host (Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs) is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
Host was formed by Emoticon, and then later named after the card Hog Rider from Clash Royale, a game which she enjoys.
( also, dude, cmon )> :/
[Is it alright if I ask you why you want to be on a team by yourself? Don't worry, I'll remove this and your answer later.]
^^; <( most personal question i've had in a while... )
( it's kind of a weird reason, honestly )> :U
T_T <( and, it sounds worse than it is )
( i'm just afraid i won't be, like, recognized, y'know? )> umu
/:/ <( like, what happens when i join a team and we end up losing? )
">> <( who would you wanna kick out? your friendly teammate who you can look at and do stuff with, or the funny face that sometimes appears below stuff you're reading? )
( and i'm not, holding that against the others! i get it! )> O:!
( it's not easy to treat everyone equally when not everyone is presented equally. )> :G
( it's just, that's why i wanna be on a team by myself! )> :T
/:P <( so i don't have to rely on someone else. )
( yo can one of the editors make a team page with just me on it )> :P [will remove later, just keeping for now to show that this isn't me just assigning her a team lol]
Host (Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs) is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
Host was formed by Emoticon, and then later named after the card Hog Rider from Clash Royale, a game which she enjoys.
( also, dude, cmon )> :/
[Is it alright if I ask you why you want to be on a team by yourself? Don't worry, I'll remove this and your answer later.]
^^; <( most personal question i've had in a while... )
( it's kind of a weird reason, honestly )> :U
T_T <( and, it sounds worse than it is )
( i'm just afraid i won't be, like, recognized, y'know? )> umu
/:/ <( like, what happens when i join a team and we end up losing? )
">> <( who would you wanna kick out? your friendly teammate who you can look at and do stuff with, or the funny face that sometimes appears below stuff you're reading? )
( and i'm not, holding that against the others! i get it! )> O:!
( it's not easy to treat everyone equally when not everyone is presented equally. )> :G
( it's just, that's why i wanna be on a team by myself! )> :T
/:P <( so i don't have to rely on someone else. )
( y'know, cause they'd be holding me back if we had to work together )> B)
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale.
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
[add team logo/image later]
:V <( actually, i kinda like the mostly imageless vibe of my pages, if that's cool )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it )> ^\_(:J)_/^
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
:O <( actually, i have an idea for a logo... can you, like, write something down in a drawing program? )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
( by the way, thanks for, asking me that question, about the team. )> :k
( i don't usually get to talk genuinely to people, if that makes sense... ) ^^;
uwu <( it'd be cool if you could like, show the history of this page more clearly? )
( i'd like to show people a bit more of myself! )> :D
( how my pages are made for the camp, and also why i don't do certain things... )> S:
:7 <( um, thank you in advance, if you do! )
:P <( and either way, these instances sorta clutter the page, so you should probably remove them lol )
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
:O <( actually, i have an idea for a logo... can you, like, write something down in a drawing program? )
[make this a proper image]
[Also, how did you do that?? GIMP isn't connected to the internet???]
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
( by the way, thanks for, asking me that question, about the team. )> :k
( i don't usually get to talk genuinely to people, if that makes sense... ) ^^;
uwu <( it'd be cool if you could like, show the history of this page more clearly? )
( i'd like to show people a bit more of myself! )> :D
( how my pages are made for the camp, and also why i don't do certain things... )> S:
:7 <( um, thank you in advance, if you do! )
:P <( and either way, these instances sorta clutter the page, so you should probably remove them lol )
No problem! It was cool talking. [remove in a bit]
Tabs showing history of the page are not included here, to prevent recursion.
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
:O <( actually, i have an idea for a logo... can you, like, write something down in a drawing program? )
[make this a proper image]
>:D <( sickkkk!!!!! )
[Also, how did you do that?? GIMP isn't connected to the internet???]
( dude read my contestant page, i'm not just restricted to hacking online stuff )> :T
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
( by the way, thanks for, asking me that question, about the team. )> :k
( i don't usually get to talk genuinely to people, if that makes sense... ) ^^;
uwu <( it'd be cool if you could like, show the history of this page more clearly? )
( i'd like to show people a bit more of myself! )> :D
( how my pages are made for the camp, and also why i don't do certain things... )> S:
:7 <( um, thank you in advance, if you do! )
:P <( and either way, these instances sorta clutter the page, so you should probably remove them lol )
No problem! It was cool talking. [remove in a bit]
/:o <( hold on, some thing feels off... )
( i wanna add more cool stuff to the page but i'm having only stupid thoughts )> umu
Tabs showing history of the page are not included here, to prevent recursion.
Host's team logo
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a fanclub for Hog Rider, as well as a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon. The team is known for having cool stuff.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale. She later drew a logo for the team, depicting a stylized version of a hammer with the team name written inside.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Despite apparently being a Hog Rider fan club, Host does not have any theming based around the card (or based on Clash Royale in general.) Emoticon has even gone on record saying that she prefers other cards and deck archetypes in the game.
However, the logo being a cartoon hammer does seem to be a reference to the weapon the card wields.
The red colour of Host's logo is the same as the colour of new edits in the version history. This is because the editor who created the format had the colour selected in their art program, which is what Emoticon used to draw the logo.
Tabs showing history of the page are not included here, to prevent recursion.
Host's team logo
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a fanclub for Hog Rider, as well as a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon. The team is known for having cool stuff.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale. She later drew a logo for the team, depicting a stylized version of a hammer with the team name written inside.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Host is currently the only team to have one member.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Despite apparently being a Hog Rider fan club, Host does not have any theming based around the card (or based on Clash Royale in general.) Emoticon has even gone on record saying that she prefers other cards and deck archetypes in the game.
However, the logo being a cartoon hammer does seem to be a reference to the weapon the card wields.
The red colour of Host's logo is the same as the colour of new edits in the version history. This is because the editor who created the format had the colour selected in their art program, which is what Emoticon used to draw the logo.
4-4 <( alright this is actually sick thanks so much )
Tabs showing history of the page are not included here, to prevent recursion.
Host's team logo
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a fanclub for Hog Rider, as well as a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticonand Playlist. The team is known for having cool stuff and a band, named Playlist.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems ) (THIS IS A REALLY GOOD IDEA! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY "HOST" IS SHORT FOR "HOG RIDER FAN CONTESTANTS" THOUGH. WOULDN'T IT BE "HOGS?" INSTEAD? JUST CHECKING! HEE-HEE-HEE-HELL YEAH! -CRLE)
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale. She later drew a logo for the team, depicting a stylized version of a hammer with the team name written inside.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Then, Playlist noticed that there was a team themed around HOG RIDER! From the game CLASH ROYALE. It's a really cool game, and, believe it or not, Playlist is actually friends with Hog Rider. But that's a story for another time. Anyway. They saw that there was a team for their collective godfather, so they joined the team and now the team has an OFFICIAL BAND! Making the HOG RIDER FAN CLUB (or for short, HOST?) the only team to have a REAL OFFICIAL BAND as part of it.
Host is currently the only team to have one member. It also has another member, which is a band.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Despite apparently being a Hog Rider fan club, Host does not have any theming based around the card (or based on Clash Royale in general.) Emoticon has even gone on record saying that she prefers other cards and deck archetypes in the game.
However, the logo being a cartoon hammer does seem to be a reference to the weapon the card wields.
One member of the team, Playlist, not only knows Hog Rider, but has had many encounters with him. They've even been in situations together.
The red colour of Host's logo is the same as the colour of new edits in the version history. This is because the editor who created the format had the colour selected in their art program, which is what Emoticon used to draw the logo.
4-4 <( alright this is actually sick thanks so much )
Tabs showing history of the page are not included here, to prevent recursion.
Host's team logo >M< <( NO IT'S NOT!!! )
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a fanclub for Hog Rider, as well as a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon and Playlist. The team is known for having cool stuff and a band, named Playlist.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems ) (THIS IS A REALLY GOOD IDEA! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY "HOST" IS SHORT FOR "HOG RIDER FAN CONTESTANTS" THOUGH. WOULDN'T IT BE "HOGS?" INSTEAD? JUST CHECKING! HEE-HEE-HEE-HELL YEAH! -CRLE)
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale. She later drew a logo for the team, depicting a stylized version of a hammer with the team name written inside.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Then, Playlist noticed that there was a team themed around HOG RIDER! From the game CLASH ROYALE. It's a really cool game, and, believe it or not, Playlist is actually friends with Hog Rider. But that's a story for another time. Anyway. They saw that there was a team for their collective godfather, so they joined the team and now the team has an OFFICIAL BAND! Making the HOG RIDER FAN CLUB (or for short, HOST?) the only team to have a REAL OFFICIAL BAND as part of it.
T_T <( this is my team can you please leave )
Host is currently the only team to have one member. It also has another member, which is a band.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Despite apparently being a Hog Rider fan club, Host does not have any theming based around the card (or based on Clash Royale in general.) Emoticon has even gone on record saying that she prefers other cards and deck archetypes in the game.
However, the logo being a cartoon hammer does seem to be a reference to the weapon the card wields.
One member of the team, Playlist, not only knows Hog Rider, but has had many encounters with him. They've even been in situations together.
The red colour of Host's logo is the same as the colour of new edits in the version history. This is because the editor who created the format had the colour selected in their art program, which is what Emoticon used to draw the logo.
4-4 <( alright this is actually sick thanks so much )
Tabs showing history of the page are not included here, to prevent recursion.
Host's team logo >M< <( NO IT'S NOT!!! )
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a fanclub for Hog Rider, as well as a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole member being Emoticon and Playlist. The team is known for having cool stuff and a band, named Playlist.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems ) (THIS IS A REALLY GOOD IDEA! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY "HOST" IS SHORT FOR "HOG RIDER FAN CONTESTANTS" THOUGH. WOULDN'T IT BE "HOGS?" INSTEAD? JUST CHECKING! HEE-HEE-HEE-HELL YEAH! -CRLE)
@@ <( wtf )
BD <( message from the future: we got first place in everything!!!!! )
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Team Total: 350!
( BRUH )> >:O
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale. She later drew a logo for the team, depicting a stylized version of a hammer with the team name written inside.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Then, Playlist noticed that there was a team themed around HOG RIDER! From the game CLASH ROYALE. It's a really cool game, and, believe it or not, Playlist is actually friends with Hog Rider. But that's a story for another time. Anyway. They saw that there was a team for their collective godfather, so they joined the team and now the team has an OFFICIAL BAND! Making the HOG RIDER FAN CLUB (or for short, HOST?) the only team to have a REAL OFFICIAL BAND as part of it.
T_T <( this is my team can you please leave )
Host is currently the only team to have one member. It also has another member, which is a band.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Despite apparently being a Hog Rider fan club, Host does not have any theming based around the card (or based on Clash Royale in general.) Emoticon has even gone on record saying that she prefers other cards and deck archetypes in the game.
However, the logo being a cartoon hammer does seem to be a reference to the weapon the card wields.
One member of the team, Playlist, not only knows Hog Rider, but has had many encounters with him. They've even been in situations together.
Why would you make a fan club for someone you don't know? Of course this team knows him. This is the HOGS team.
The red colour of Host's logo is the same as the colour of new edits in the version history. This is because the editor who created the format had the colour selected in their art program, which is what Emoticon used to draw the logo.
This page appears to accidentally have included several previous edits that do not reflect the entirety of the team. On behalf of HOGS, Playlist and Emoticon issue an open invitation for the tabs to be removed so that the team page can be as up-to-date as possible.
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a fanclub for Hog Rider, as well as a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole members being Emoticon and Playlist. The team is known for having cool stuff and a band, named Playlist.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale. She later drew a logo for the team, depicting a stylized version of a hammer with the team name written inside.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Then, Playlist noticed that there was a team themed around HOG RIDER! From the game CLASH ROYALE. It's a really cool game, and, believe it or not, Playlist is actually friends with Hog Rider. But that's a story for another time. Anyway. They saw that there was a team for their collective godfather, so they joined the team and now the team has an OFFICIAL BAND! Making the HOG RIDER FAN CLUB (or for short, HOST?) the only team to have a REAL OFFICIAL BAND as part of it.
Emoticon was not initially happy with the new member, as she wanted a team of one, but the challenge rules stated that you could not remove players from teams. She asked the band to leave but Playlist seemed determined to stay, stating that "THIS IS HOG RIDER'S TEAM! WE'RE ALL JUST ALONG FOR THE (Hog) RIDE(r)! I THINK THERE ARE OTHER TEAMS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE A FAN OF SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES HOG RIDER (AND HIS FRIENDS Playlist)!" Playlist also drew an altered logo, but Emoticon rejected it.
Host is currently the only team to have one member. It also has another member, which is a band.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Despite apparently being a Hog Rider fan club, Host does not have any theming based around the card (or based on Clash Royale in general.) Emoticon has even gone on record saying that she prefers other cards and deck archetypes in the game.
However, the logo being a cartoon hammer does seem to be a reference to the weapon the card wields.
One member of the team, Playlist, not only knows Hog Rider, but has had many encounters with him. They've even been in situations together.
The red colour of Host's logo is the same as the colour of new edits in the version history. This is because the editor who created the format had the colour selected in their art program, which is what Emoticon used to draw the logo.
All team members either have four limbs or no limbs.
This could change in future, however.
Contrary to popular belief, Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs does not spell "HOGS."
Host's team logo, made by Emoticon
Host's rejected alternate team logo, made by Playlist
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, is a fanclub for Hog Rider, as well as a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole members being Emoticon and Playlist. The team is known for having cool stuff and a band, named Playlist.
( okok listen, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale. She later drew a logo for the team, depicting a stylized version of a hammer with the team name written inside.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, this page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Then, Playlist noticed that there was a team themed around HOG RIDER! From the game CLASH ROYALE. It's a really cool game, and, believe it or not, Playlist is actually friends with Hog Rider. But that's a story for another time. Anyway. They saw that there was a team for their collective godfather, so they joined the team and now the team has an OFFICIAL BAND! Making the HOG RIDER FAN CLUB (or for short, HOST?) the only team to have a REAL OFFICIAL BAND as part of it.
Emoticon was not initially happy with the new member, as she wanted a team of one, but the challenge rules stated that you could not remove players from teams. She asked the band to leave but Playlist seemed determined to stay, stating that "THIS IS HOG RIDER'S TEAM! WE'RE ALL JUST ALONG FOR THE (Hog) RIDE(r)! I THINK THERE ARE OTHER TEAMS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE A FAN OF SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES HOG RIDER (AND HIS FRIENDS Playlist)!" Playlist also drew an altered logo, but Emoticon rejected it.
Host is currently the only team to have one member. It also has another member, which is a band.
( compared to the others, host is clearly the best team )> >:D
Host is tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (This ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Despite apparently being a Hog Rider fan club, Host does not have any theming based around the card (or based on Clash Royale in general.) Emoticon has even gone on record saying that she prefers other cards and deck archetypes in the game.
However, the logo being a cartoon hammer does seem to be a reference to the weapon the card wields.
One member of the team, Playlist, not only knows Hog Rider, but has had many encounters with him. They've even been in situations together.
The red colour of Host's logo is the same as the colour of new edits in the version history. This is because the editor who created the format had the colour selected in their art program, which is what Emoticon used to draw the logo.
All team members either have four limbs or no limbs.
This could change in future, however.
Unfortunately, Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs does not spell "HOGS."
Host's team logo, made by Emoticon
Host's rejected alternate team logo, made by Playlist
4-4 <( alright this is actually sick thanks so much )
[Sorry the new contestant joined, but you should still be able to have a cool team page with them on it!]
Tabs showing history of the page are not included here, to prevent recursion.
This team has been merged with Host. An archival version of the page follows.
Host, short for Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs, was a fanclub for Hog Rider, as well as a team competing in The Wiki Camp 2, the sole members being Emoticon and Playlwast. The team was known for having cool stuff and a band, named Playlwast.
( okok lwasten, funny idea - i name the team Host, and it'll be an acronym for something cool, and then it'll seem like i'm the host of the camp! )> >w<
XD <( what about... Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs! i love clash royale and i mean it's so obviously such a perfect acronym with no problems )
After a respectable placement of 11th/101 in the first challenge, Emoticon was ready for the second, to create and/or join a team page. She decided to form a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was one of the hosts, and then later created a lighthearted backronym for the name, making the team a fan club for the card Hog Rider from the game Clash Royale. She later drew a logo for the team, depicting a stylized version of a hammer with the team name written inside.
( tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon but that doesn't have an h in it, and i don't wanna be lost )> ^\_(:J)_/^
While Emoticon was coming up with ideas for the team, thwas page was created at the same time, in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge.
Then, Playlwast noticed that there was a team themed around HOG RIDER! From the game CLASH ROYALE. It's a really cool game, and, believe it or not, Playlwast was actually friends with Hog Rider. But that's a story for another time. Anyway. They saw that there was a team for their collective godfather, so they joined the team and now the team has an OFFICIAL BAND! Making the HOG RIDER FAN CLUB (or for short, HOST?) the only team to have a REAL OFFICIAL BAND as part of it.
Emoticon was not initially happy with the new member, as she wanted a team of one, but the challenge rules stated that you could not remove players from teams. She asked the band to leave but Playlwast seemed determined to stay, stating that "THWASWAS HOG RIDER'S TEAM! WE'RE ALL JUST ALONG FOR THE (Hog) RIDE(r)! I THINK THERE ARE OTHER TEAMS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE A FAN OF SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES HOG RIDER (AND HWAS FRIENDS Playlwast)!" Playlwast also drew an altered logo, but Emoticon rejected it.
Host was currently the only team to have one member. It also has another member, which was a band. It also has several other members, some of which are a band.
( compared to the others, host was clearly the best team )> >:D
Host was tied with Epic and Evil for the shortest team name, at four characters. (Thwas ignores the fact that Host stands for a longer phrase.)
Despite apparently being a Hog Rider fan club, Host did not have any theming based around the card (or based on Clash Royale in general.) Emoticon has even gone on record saying that she prefers other cards and deck archetypes in the game.
However, the logo being a cartoon hammer did seem to be a reference to the weapon the card wields.
One member of the team, Playlwast, not only knows Hog Rider, but has had many encounters with him. They've even been in situations together.
The red colour of Host's logo was the same as the colour of new edits in the version hwastory. Thwaswas because the editor who created the format had the colour selected in their art program, which was what Emoticon used to draw the logo.
All team members either have four limbs or no limbs.
Thwas could change in future, however.
Unfortunately, Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs does not spell "HOGS."
Host's team logo, made by Emoticon
Host's rejected alternate team logo, made by Playlwast
4-4 <( alright thwaswas actually sick thanks so much )
[Sorry the new contestant joined, but you should still be able to have a cool team page with them on it!]
Tabs showing hwastory of the page are not included here, to prevent recursion.
Host formed when Diary wanted to signed up for The Wiki Camp 2. They took particular interest in fighting games. The first person she invited was the cosmic microwave background radiation, who introduced Diary to a team of one (a feat with precedence in the original Wiki Camp.) Emoticon named the team Host, joking that it might take on advertising for the team, creating a machine that resembled a DJ mixset that read "tbh i kinda prefer lumberloon." Thinking they wanted to make their own album, the posters for Host (colloquially known as Hosters) needed help with metastudies into the research itself. LiSt found help in the form of a Nintendo Entertainment System. The two would go on to officially make the edit history from two centuries in the future, joking that it might trick people into thinking she was getting a little lonely. Host produced a soundtrack for the game Settlers of Catan. in order to fulfill the rules stated in the challenge. Then, Playlwast noticed that there was a team themed around Hexstallia, which consists of short songs taking inspiration from various EDM subgenres. The concept of HOG RIDER! is about to disintegrate. Sorry about that.
Due to [REASONS UNEXPLAINED], the four former teams who shared an acronym were merged together on October 10, 2022. The erstwhile members of HaZe Gaming were the most vocally upset about this change[1], though their complaints fell upon deaf ears when they petitioned the administration. Members of the other teams soon suggested that they make the most of their situation and reforge their identity as a collective, a task to which members of the Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs took to with reckless abandon.
Some time thereafter, during some fluctuations in the multiverse, Host acquired its 15th12th13th nth[citation needed] member, Open Sesame. Their intentions or role remain to be seen, though they seem to be a self-described spy for some other organization.
Due to the merge, Host is the first sports team in known history to write a well received videogame soundtrack, the first band(s) to place in multiple videogame tournaments and the first research agency to be a hog rider fanclub. This has not yet earned them any critical praise but it should.
Host is currently the only team to have one member. It also has 12 other members, which are a band, an instrument, a stereoscope, a book, a hat, a mister, a game piece, a courier, a phenomenon, and [THE ZEITGEIST].
It also has another member, who may be an enemy spy.
Despite its description, Host has yet to officially speak on its status. It remains unclear if it is a fanclub of an agency for athletes who compete in musical sports, or is a fanclub department of an organization that engages with sports, music, and legal investigation, or is just a bunch of people who are vaguely confused and trying to cope with the reality of their situation.
Michael Bloomberg being a moderator of the wiki may be a reference to the fact that he is an alligator (moderator, allegator).
>:O <( hey shouldn't that be in the references section )