Nurse Cap

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Nurse Cap
07logo.png character
Designed byUser:WITCH
Portrayed byviewers like you
In-universe information
GenderFemale (she/her)
KinlistRiamu Yumemi, Tomoko Kuroki, Konata Izumi, Yuri (character), Moira
TeamWanted contestants

Nurse Cap is a contestant in The Wiki Camp 2, previously a hospital attendant now on break to give it her all for a chance to earn CLOUT.


Nurse Cap is a paper cap with a red cross in the front. She is rarely seen with her eyes fully open. Her arms may sometimes not be rendered but don't be scared they're there okay? Don't be afraid or concerned alright? Chill.


Nurse Cap is devious and enjoys messing with people, although her extreme anxiety leads her to fail at pulling that off more often than not. Whenever she feels she could be useful in a situation she becomes over eager to help, sometimes getting ahead of herself and making things harder instead.


Nurse Cap spent most of her early life practicing medicine, bettering her medical skills before trying to find a job as a nurse and instead landing one as an attendant. Nurse Cap quickly decided to put her life of labor on hold over the promise of CLOUT after clicking an online ad leading her to The Wiki Camp 2, her public debut as a contestant.

Challenge 1

Main article: Challenge 1

Nurse Cap started her page with a simple description of herself before starting to work on the section about her frame data, which took a few days before it reached it's completion and then, once done with that, she decided it would be enough for now. This feeling would last less than 48 hours before anxiety set in about it not being enough. Once Nurse Cap rushed to her page to add onto it she found the Matchups section without any recollection of writing it herself, containing excerpts of a conversation she thought private. Worried but desperate for an addition to her page, she left it as is.

To keep her mind off her worries about her entry, she spent her days waiting for the results by repeatedly and incessantly looking up pictures of Blini Cat until she was notified of her placement, 4th with a score of 456. With the momentary sense of pride providing her energy she decided to attend Mark Genuine's Funeral to pay respects in good will as well as to spot her fellow contestants, staying until she realized the heinous crime the departed committed in life.

Challenge 2

Main article: Host

Seeing as the second challenge was to create or join a team, Nurse Cap teamed up with Diary to fulfill her dream of going pro and creating an eSports team. Not long after a flubbed advertisement campaign the team was soon flooded with well-meaning misguided people which Nurse Cap tried her best to take in stride, making some new bonds within the newly formed HaZe.

Just as Nurse Cap was getting adjusted to the team they had formed, a dubious decision by the wiki administrators caused HaZe to be merged with three other teams with the surprisingly common acronym "HOST" for a name. Nurse Cap believed this to be highly disorienting and a hit to what used to be a (more) concise and understandable team image, fearing bad results in the challenge or even elimination. After taking note of her team's remarkable performance, Nurse Cap was noticeably ecstatic.

Challenge 3

Main article: Edit War

For Challenge 3, Nurse Cap wanted to be responsible for one of the early edits despite being devoid of ideas for her edit. After a lot of trouble attempting to think of the perfect edit, Nurse Cap decided to take a big risk and summon Beatrice, offering her allegiance to the witch until the end of time in exchange of a good edit for the challenge. For Beatrice's edit, she created a game hearkening back to those she previously inhabited.

Although all Nurse Cap intended was for Beatrice to make an edit to the page her summoning had bound the witch to this game board until the game was over, a fact Nurse Cap had yet to be made aware of, Beatrice instead deciding to dwell on the Edit War page in her boredom in an attempt to better understand her surroundings. During her stay on the page, Beatrice made acquaintances with Emoticon which sparked her curiosity over creatures in this board who could interact with her. Once Beatrice was done with her stay in Edit War, she created a familiar space for her to dwell in during her stay in The Wiki Camp.

Meanwhile, Nurse Cap remained clueless of any of this, a thing she is very good at doing. Nurse Cap refused to look at Edit War out of fear and anxiety, only thinking about it when results dropped. After a while, she was made aware of Beatrice's stay in Edit War but not in excruciating detail. Upon checking the challenge results, Nurse Cap was satisfied enough with her score of 313.82, simply happy to pull her own weight.

Challenge 4

Main article: Hecate's Mirror

Nurse Cap attempted to document the existence of one of her belongings, recounting the legend it's closely related to. Failing that, she decides the untidy environment of her home she'd kept herself trapped inside for the last few months was the issue. She then decided to write her entry in the club room HaZe held IRL events in. Finding it a much more comforting space than her can-covered dirty room, she stayed in the room silently for the duration of the entire challenge (and has yet to return to her home.) Once again failing to write her entry, she employed the help of the Golden Witch yet again.

Inside a cat box, Nurse Cap and Beatrice played a friendly, although high-stakes, game. Nurse Cap narrowly claimed victory, but took it easy on the witch and decided to believe in her magic nonetheless. Outside the cat box, Dora coincidentally walked into an incredibly alarmed Nurse Cap, and they had a brief chat about the tale of the Mirror, leading Nurse Cap to vocalize her strange conclusion about its origin. She also overshared ever so slightly but it's OK.

Her entry, which she had forgotten she'd even submitted, placed 18th and scored 214.9 points. She had no particular thoughts over her own score but was happy her team went another challenge without an elimination. With her mind otherwise unoccupied, she instead focused her energy on nothing actually

Challenge 5

Main article: Girl Host

In a yet unknown Discord server, Nurse Cap was notified of the existence of a strange visual novel with a character strangely alike her, though not in the usual sense in which someone would say that to her. In an act of endless curiosity, she ultimately decided to give the story a read despite how strange the experience of reading it could prove.

Upon reading the text she found the frivolous conversations contained within weirdly mirrored experiences she'd had in her real life not too long ago, as proven by further leaked Discord messages.

took the pillpillToday at 2:05 PM
this is literlyay so fkin weird
i swrea i stormde ou t liek tha t literlly likw yestreday
imean it wanst ab oit yur i on icelol who crares abou t yirion ice
oh w ell any1 fancya a game o f pngya

Furthermore, she found herself unable to recall the game's ending when pressed about her thoughts on it, though she'd usually not bat an eye at forgetting a detail about a piece of slice of life media, she couldn't help but feel she was forgetting something important. 392.25 points were mysteriously added to the uninvolved Nurse Cap's score tally. How weird! Whoa! Strange! I guess

Challenge 6

Wanting to join in on editing the Rhythm game page by scrubbing all mentions of Rhythm Heaven, Nurse Cap goes for a walk hoping to hit her nearest arcade and record some hot jubeat gameplay. She got lost on her way back home for a few months.

Challenge 7

Main article: it's a bit of a mouthful

Finally reaching home she finds herself at risk of being sent away from her beloved team of old and instead put onto brand new ground by a strange set of dominos. In retaliation, she goes for petty revenge, attempting to take Dora along with her to Wanted contestants.

Challenge 8

Main article: Gehenna

Nurse Cap found herself bothered in the middle of her napnap arc, being called by a mysterious stranger and asked to do a tutorial about something she didn't really understand to some other strange voice on the other end of the line. That lasted about thirty minutes and then she went back to napnap. I love napnap so much

Challenge 9

She used her phone in bed and browsed websites. Some of the data seemed to leak onto somewhere weird but she doesn't know anything about that she just likes the phone.

Challenge 10

In the interest of remaining a girl who browses websites, Nurse Cap decided to use her computer. On her computer she found her fellow Wiki Camp-chans playing Minecraft and decided to join on a whim, because online games are kinda like if websites were good really. Surprised to find a hardcore server upon joining, she decided to try and show off with a paltry little trick and finds herself instantly paying for it, instantly booted out of the server due to dying the death.

But the real game started after stupid little Minecraft was over, actually. And no I'm not just saying this because she died shut the fuck up. On the outside of the Catserver she was soon visited by Beatrice again, who revealed Emoticon who revealed they were about to partake in another Witches' Game, in which she would butt heads to prove that her fellow players' deaths were not supernatural.

Once done with the game she found herself more willing to think about the perspectives of people around her that she once wouldn't spare a thought to, especially regarding a few of her fellow competitors. Can't get any vaguer than that can you


In her most notorious incarnation, Nurse Cap is a defensive beast. She mainly relies on punishing opponents with her high speed and range, solid power and 2nd Super Art which can be combo'd into multiple ways.


  • Nurse Cap needs to repaint her cross every day
  • she is a the object
  • Nurse Cap is in pursuit of the forbidden art of YouTube Poop
  • Nurse Cap hates cooking
  • Nurse Cap writes poetry but she would never share it
  • The Wiki Camp 2 is now once again open for editing
  • Tygreenie's Discord account is Tygreenie#2763.