
From The Wiki Camp 2
Revision as of 14:41, 13 October 2022 by BobTheTacocat (talk | contribs)
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Not to be confused with Ghost or TSOH.

HaZe Online Sports Troupe
HOST (eSports) Logo.png
Short name Host
Games The Wiki Camp 2, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, foball, Paperboy (NES), Bad Piggies, and more
Founded October 2, 2022
Coach Dora
Owners Diary, Diffuser, [THE ZEITGEIST], Nurse Cap, Smobo
Additional members Alucard, Arlo, Cube, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, Niko the Seal, Rotating CSS Cube, Thomas Bangalter
Years active 2022
Genre gaming

Host, short for HaZe Online Sports Troupe, is a professional eSports organization that was founded during Challenge 2 of The Wiki Camp 2.



Host formed when Diary wanted to start her own esports team so she could expand her catalogue of fighting games. The first person she invited was Nurse Cap, who introduced Diary to traditional fighters. Wondering how to gather more members for the team, the two began throwing around the idea of an ad campaign. Nurse Cap eagerly offered to take on advertising for the team, creating a poster that read "join us for competitive games :)" thinking simplicity would bring the right people in. Due to a mistake during printing, only "games :)" could be read in the actual distributed poster.

Expansion of scope

Despite the misprint, the posters for Host (colloquially known as Hosters) were put up and displayed across Wikiland, attracting new members to the team. However, several of these new members joined with the pretense that Host was just a casual BYOG meetup. Some examples of gaming equipment brought to the first official meeting were: a Nintendo Entertainment System, a fully-functioning Gameplu, five copies of Settlers of Catan, a complete set of Lethal Dominoes, and Kirby. A bit conflicted, Diary and Nurse Cap decided to allow these less-competitive focused members to join the team, if only because it was getting a little lonely to only play sets against the same opponent IRL so many times.


Icon Name Username Games Mains
Arloicon.png Arlo     


Pikmin Captain Olimar
Diaryiconv1small.png Diary     


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (formerly)
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Sheik (SSBU)
Ken (SF3)
Diffuser-VotingIcon.png Diffuser     


the waiting game
the game of life
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Viewtiful Joe
DoraVotingIcon.png Dora     


5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel
Bad Piggies
King (Pig)
Guyicon1.png Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo     


Super Smash Bros. Brawl Diddy Kong (formerly)
Zeitgeist Voting Icon 2.png [THE ZEITGEIST]     

yeah i use a name


the gam eof football baby!!! John maden
NurseVIcon.png Nurse Cap     


Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Chun-Li
Smoboicon.png Smobo     


Paperboy (NES) Paperboy
Bangaltericon.png Thomas Bangalter     


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate R.O.B.
Mega Man

Former members

Icon Name Username Games Mains Reason for Departure
Niko2.png Niko the Seal     


The Wiki Camp 2 Paper Niko Banished to Damn seal


Rotating CSS Cube     

starstrike_overtime_ the_destroyer

Guilty Gear (PS1)
Pyron (DS)
Justice (GG)
Sonofdracicon.png Alucard     


Touhou Shinpiroku ~ Urban Legend in Limbo Koishi Komeiji Kicked
Discoholic-cube.jpg Cube     


Minesweeper The Titular Mine Sweeper Left to take out the trash


Date Player Game Place Event Prize
2022-10-03 Niko the Seal None 1st Eating Cement Contest Pain
2022-10-02 Nurse Cap Marvel vs. Capcom 2 5th - 6th Cool Math Games Invitational VII
2022-9-30 Nurse Cap The Wiki Camp 2 4th Challenge 1 Attendance to Mark Genuine's Funeral
Diary 8th
Diffuser 15th
Dora 57th
Smobo 68th
2022-08-07 Rotating CSS Cube Fist of the North Star 1st Evolution Championship Series 2022 $10,000
2022-07-30 Diary Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2nd COLOSSES 2022 scorn of the French
Cube 97th-128th
2022-07-25 Smobo Paperboy (NES) 3rd 34th Annual Shadowveil "Christmas In July" Speedrunning Tournament $50 + A Used DVD Player
2022-07-12 Diffuser the waiting game Nominated 8th Annual Prime Day Refuge within Donut's home
2022-02-22 Diary Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1st House of Seals Tournament jar of peanut butter
2014-01-26 Thomas Bangalter 56th Annual Grammy Awards 1st Album of the Year a grammy
Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo


  • Smobo has dabbled in other games in the Paperboy franchise, such as Paperboy 2 (SNES) and Paper Boy: Wheels on Fire (Blackberry), but the NES game is the only one xey play competitively.
  • Son of Dracula has never played a mainline Touhou game.
  • Nurse Cap dabbles in all kinds of traditional fighting games, but considers 3rd Strike her home where her heart and dedication both lie.
  • [THE ZEITGEIST] did not see the advertisements for the team, but heard from word of mouth that there was an eSports team going around recruiting members. [THE ZEITGEIST] proceeded to join thinking that "eSports" meant "exciting sports", in the hopes of finding a quarterback player for a football team. By the time HaZe figured out [THE ZEITGEIST]'s misunderstanding, it was too late - the damage had already been done.