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Pentagon, as he appears in Puyo Puyo Wiki Camp 2.
Personal Info
GenderMale (He/It)
Height30 cm / 12 inches
Notable Appearances
First AppearancePuyo Puyo Wiki Camp 2
Latest AppearancePuyo Puyo Wiki Camp 2
Voice Actor(s)
Team 17 information

Pentagon was a character from the scrapped game "Puyo Puyo Wiki Camp 2". Despite the game's early cancellation, Pentagon is one of very few characters whose data and graphics were leaked.



Pentagon is a short, teal pentagonal prism with a large shine going from his bottom-right to top-left. He wears an off-white T-shirt with a target-styled star coming from the bottom-right corner matching Pentagon's color. Above that, Pentagon wears a darker teal short-sleeved hoodie, with a star-shaped badge emblazoned on his left, again matching his main body color.


Pentagon is quick to act but very slow on considering the ramifications. He's always trying to impress someone, but is incredibly vulnerable to accusations of him being "uncool". After some convincing though, Pentagon will know to be gentle, though he always expresses his kindness through gratuitous acts.


Pentagon's main affinity is with ice, though he can also create large gusts of wind, and, when particularly charged up, can fire off balls of lightning with little delay. Additionally, when Pentagon's at his strongest, he can unleash powers beyond his usual disciplines to specifically target a foe's weakness, but this has only been shown off when Pentagon gets a burst of vigor after being knocked down.


Team 17

After first becoming a member of The Wiki Camp 2, Pentagon quickly maneuvered his way into Team 17. While he has little interest in hot chocolate or marshmallows, his teammates were welcoming and thought often of Pentagon, and so in turn Pentagon thought oft of them.

Wrecking Ball

Pentagon and Wrecking Ball quickly became rivals in what little was shown of the story. What Pentagon packed in agility, Wrecking Ball matched with raw power and defense. Unfortunately, this often led to Pentagon quickly getting tired, just for Wrecking Ball to throw him halfway across The Wiki Camp 2. Unfortunately, not much is known of Wrecking Ball, outside of their grey body and golden chains.


Puyo Puyo Wiki Camp 2

Challenge 1

In Challenge 1 of Puyo Puyo Wiki Camp 2, the main characters were tasked with giving a presentation of themselves. After defeating Wrecking Ball in a Wiki Camp Battle, Pentagon demonstrates the power of Wikis, starting off the story. Ultimately, Pentagon is given joint 39th with an unmentioned student, and proceeds into the next challenge.

Challenge 2

In Challenge 2, Pentagon is tasked with joining a class "team". Despite his Wiki Camp prowess, Pentagon isn't accepted anywhere for his plain-ness- except, Strawberry, from Team 17, agrees to allow Pentagon to join- if he can beat him in a Puyo Puyo battle. Despite never having played before, Pentagon is able to beat him and becomes a member of the team. However, Pentagon soon gets distracted by the idea of Puyos, leaving his team to finish- and ultimately be on the chopping block for- the team.

Challenge 3

After the team executes a strategy of sending exactly enough garbage text to each other to avoid any of them being eliminated, Pentagon and the rest of Team 17 is whisked into Challenge 3- an Edit War. This Challenge would've introduced the "Swap" game mode, but the developers could not find a smooth way to swap between Puyo Puyo and Wiki Camp, so the idea for the two franchises to merge was dropped here. However, the idea would later be recycled for the award-winning Puyo Puyo Tetris.

As a playable character, Pentagon's dropset was similar to Suketoudara's, with the strange discrepancy that the fifth and sixth drops were swapped.


Character profiles

Game Profile
"A new student at The Wiki Camp 2. He's eager to make new friends, apparently!"

Character specific mechanics

Puyo Puyo/Wiki Camp

Game Mode


Pieces Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Dropset Pair.png Dropset Triple1.png Dropset Big.png Dropset DoublePair.png Puyo
Dropset Pair.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Triple2.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Triple3.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Big.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Triple2.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Triple3.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Big.png 0 0 0 0 0


Puyo Pieces Wiki Letters
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 SP
Dropset Pair.png Dropset Triple2.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset DoublePair.png Dropset Pair.png Dropset Wiki.png Dropset Wiki.png Dropset PFive.png or Dropset Wild1.png or Dropset Wild2.png


Puyo Puyo Wiki Camp 2

Player Chain

Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 おほ O ho! Oho!
Chain 2 はじめましょう Hajimemashou! Let's Start! Here we go!
Chain 3 準備 Junbi? Ready? Are you ready?
Chain 4 私はそうは思わない Watashi wa sō wa omowanai! I don't think so! I doubt it!
Repeater 築き上げる Kizukiageru! Build up! Keep it coming!
Puyo Puyo Counter シャッターシールド Shattāshīrudo Shatter Shield Shields up!
Spell 1 タッチ・オブ・フロスト Tatchi Obu furosuto Touch of Frost Frost Snap
Spell 2 ツイスター Tsuisutā Twister Twist Up
Spell 3 メタルバースト Metarubāsuto Metal Burst
Spell 4 ハイパーボルト Haipāboruto Hyper Volt Uber Volt
Spell 5 ナレッジブラスト Narejjiburasuto Knowledge Blast Imagnablast
Paragraph Sent そして送る Soshite okuru! Aaaand sent!
Wiki Camp Counter 知識は力である Chishiki wa chikaradearu! Knowledge is Power!

Enemy Attack

Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light 待って、いいえ Matte, īe... Wait, no... Wait, hang on!
Heavy そんなはずない Son'na hazu nai! That can't be! Augh! No way!

Character Select/Match Result

Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 準備ができたら Junbi ga dekitara! When you're ready! Ready when you are!
Win そして、それは完了です Soshite, soreha kanryōdesu! And it is done! And that's that!
Lose 理解できません Rikai dekimasen... I don't get it... Could we... try that one again?

Big Bang and Endless Fever

Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered スピードアンサー Supīdoansā! Speed Answer! Lightning Round!
Success 次の質問 Tsugi no shitsumon! Next Question!
Failed ちょっと待って Chottomatte! Woah, hang on! Wait a Minute.
Big Bang 流れに乗る Nagare ni noru! Go with the Flow!
Light Attack それは何か Sore wa nanika! It's Something! Good Enough!
Severe Attack そのほうが似てる Sono hō ga ni teru! That's more like it! That's the way!
Win 時間切れです Jikangiredesu! Your time's up! End of the Road!
Light Attack 私の最高の仕事ではない Watashi no saikō no shigotode wanai... Not my best work... Time to play Catch Up...
Severe Attack ウォー U~ō! Waugh!
Lose 時間がありません Jikan ga arimasen... I'm out of time... Already?!


Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Match Start ぷよぷよタイム


Puyopuyo taimu!


Puyo Puyo time!

Wiki Camp time!

Swap 時間変更 Jikan henkō! Change time! Let's swap!
Swap while in disadvantage 完璧である必要はありません Kanpekidearu hitsuyō wa arimasen! It doesn't have to be perfect! I'll do better this time!


Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Power-up item 常に感謝 Tsuneni kansha! Always appreciated! A little help?
Offensive item これはあなたのです Kore wa anata nodesu! This is for you! This one's yours!
Getting multiple items at once 巧みにジャグリング Takumi ni jaguringu! Expertly Juggled! Two for one!
Topped out 最初から Saisho kara! From the beginning! Let's start from the top!
Win 努力は必要ありません Doryoku wa hitsuyō arimasen! No effort needed! Didn't break a sweat!
Be a Runner-Up もっとうまくできたのに Motto umakude kita no ni… I could've done better... Looks like I've got catching up to do...
Lose とりあえず終わった Toriaezu owatta... Finished for now... Ough... no more...


Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Mix Chain 混合チェーン Kongō chēn! Mixed chain!
Supersize Paragraph スーパーパラグラフ Sūpāparagurafu! Super Paragraph!
Chain after Puyo crushed 私のため Watashi no tame? For me? The chains make themselves!

Skill Battle

Activated Skill Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Letter Change 私の力を使って Watashi no chikara o tsukatte! Use my Power! Take this and go!
Pair Puyo Change それが役に立てば幸い Sore ga yakunitateba saiwai! Hope this helps!
CSS Boost 勢いを保つ Ikioi o tamotsu! Keep the Momentum! A little pick me up?


  • Pentagon was the character that went through the most revisions during the development of Puyo Puyo Wiki Camp 2, totalling 10 previous revisions before the final design.
    • Apparently, the developers liked these designs so much that they were retconned into being AUs of the current Pentagon:
      • The oldest 2 designs were designated as P-003.
      • The third oldest design was designated as P-005.
      • The middling designs were designated as P-014, but most of their concept art was lost.
      • The second and third newest designs were designated as P-015.
      • The newest design has been designated as P-020.
        • The gap between these numbers suggests that there are either missing Pentagon revisions, or there are more plans for Pentagon. It is unknown at this time.
    • Pentagon's scarf and eventual clothing were apparently created to "humanize" Pentagon, according to the lead art director. However, nobody has backed up his claims.
  • Pentagon's dropset was apparently edited to relate to a "Five" motif planned to be given to Pentagon. Despite this being against all of conventional game design, the developers have stated that they would return his exact dropset if he would ever make his debut into the franchise proper.
  • Due to the speed of fever mode, Pentagon's 4th Chain is often cut off, leading to him hilariously saying "準備? 私はそうは" or "Are you ready? I don't"