This is a list of seals that are not notable enough to get their own damn page, in no particular order.

See also: List of miner seals or List of many seals.

50/50 seal

Am I dry, or am I wet?

This seal is both submerged in and emerging from a pool of water. Has it conquered both elements, or will it prove to be a jack of all trades, master of none?

Alien seal


Leo, more commonly known as the alien seal, is a disturbed Baikal seal that is almost uncanny in appearance.

Anatomy the Seal

Quite educational.

Anatomy the Seal is a fictitious seal used to educate students about the anatomy of the infamous seal. We think the creators might've been fans of the Human Anatomy Charts Twitter gimmick account!

Angry seal

You won't like me when I'm angry!

Oh dear, this is an angry seal. It hates you.

Annihilated seal


This seal was annihilated. It appears to have attempted to fight someone much stronger than it, leaving it ultimately destroyed and unidentifiable.

Appalled seal

No comment.

This seal has seen something so m*ssed up it has to take a second to just collect its thoughts.

Bait seal

I'm easy pickings!

The bait seal is a common lure used to allure unsuspecting game into a trap most devious. This unique form of hunting makes the bait seal one of the very few predatory seals (most seals only eat the curious green scum that drifts atop waves, or cement). The bait seal is easily disarmed, however, by simply walking under the trap, then quickly stepping back before being caught.

Bait seals are becoming harder to identify due to Poe's Law.

Ball seal


The ball seal is an extremely compact seal in the shape of a ball.

Bashful seal

oh, i don't mind...

The bashful seal is acting coy and reserved, but knowing and perhaps a bit passive-aggressive, and a little shy.


You're looking at a future Hall of Famer right here.

The basketseal is one of the greatest basketballers in the world, and he's only in his rookie season.

Beatles seal

Photo of the Beatles Seal on a book depicting Beatles lyrics

The Beatles seal is a big fan of the jazz-funk band The Beatles. They know the lyrics to all the songs.

Blissful pinniped

I love life...lalala

The blissful pinniped is a seal living in blissful ignorance.

Grind into fine shavings, then add syrup, cherries, and other sweet ingredients of your choosing. Best served cold.


Oh, hi! Welcome to my rock pool!

While many seals prefer the open ocean, the blenny tends to relax in its humble abode, a rock pool. However, because its rock pool is close to the ocean, it may occasionally embark on a wonderful vacation.

Blizzard seal

go on without me...

Blizzard the seal is a seal that is currently being blanketed with a layer of snow. Experts agree this seal will likely freeze into a block of ice and die or get melted 10,000 years into the future.

The lowly blizzard seal has a diversity score of 0. This means it will never be added to Overwatch. 😭💔


Where my bag of cheerio??

The brat is an insolent child that has no manners, no respect for adults, and no sense of discipline. It is likely the result of hippie liberal parents.

Bug-eyed maniac

Nature can be cruel.

The bug-eyed seal is a seal with unusually large eyes. This is especially noteworthy because it does not appear to be a Baikal seal.

CAKO the seal


CAKO the seal is an edible pastry that merely resembles the outward appearance of a seal. It appears to be the true and gruesome forme of the user CAKO.

Can be eaten raw. Tastes deliciously sweet!
The Queen and I once wrapped this CAKO into a Royal Present for you. Unfortunately, We seemed to have lost it somewhere on Earth...

CAKO the seal's opinion

I simply don't give a fuck...

Car seal

Note: Not road legal.

The car seal is a pesky pinniped that enjoys obstructing visibility for vehicle drivers. Every Tesla uses a car seal in its computer for self-driving.


Looks very Canadian, eh?

The caribou (not to be confused with its cervine impostor) is a baby seal that is the national animal of Canada. This is because Canadians hate baby seals so much, they want to turn them into meat. Images of caribou are popularly used to represent the entire country.


I seem to have lost my head...

This seal has its head detached from its body! Despite this, it is able to continue living a normal life. This is one of the unsolved questions in biology.

Chocolate seal


The chocolate seal is Lindt's magnum opus. Only one of these delicate confectioneries has ever been made, at Lindt's homeland of Switzerland.

Class bully

Watching a puny little entry? That's cute...

The class bully is the meanest kid around. He's always going after what it thinks is an easy target. He is currently suspended for two weeks after sabotaging the school wiki.

Clay seal

What a nice clay pit to wallow in.

The clay seal is the mud seal's cousin. It spends its day foraging for the finest clay pits. It may even dine on some fresh clay buried deep underground.

Clone seal

The source?

The clone seals are seals formed and raised in tubes or pods. They are genetically identical. Clone seals are used as an ethical source of meat for consumption, experimentation, or crash testing. The largest producer of clone seals is Toba Aquarium.

Clueless seal

He's right behind me, isn't he?

The clueless seal is a seal that is being caught unawares.

Cosmic Overdrive

We are seeing each other directly now across 5 billion lightyears.

Perilous Overdrift is a spatial seer. It can channel the sublime undercurrent that belies the cosmos to appear before anything.

Couch potato


The dreaded couch potato is a very lazy seal that enjoys lounging around. Despite the lack of wires and screens, it seems to wish to be sat in front of a TV.

Dandelion Lover

If I bide my time, a simple puff shall appear...

The dandelion lover is a seal most captivated by the sudden bloom. The piercing yellow demarks a precious stem. And here it is I to which is then~

Dead seal


The dead seal was a seal that died due to death, promptly keeling over.

Much too rotten when caught to eat. Finding a live specimen would prove challenging yet fruitful.

Defeated in Battle the Seal

Thaaat's gonna leave a mark...

This seal has been brutally defeated in battle after a heavy blow was dealt. This sent it careening through the land of the ice and snow.

Desert seal


The desert seal is an apparition or mirage. Its appearance heralds your demise.

Discussions the Seal

I'm not going to Damn seal! You are!

Brandon (left) and Landon (right) are arch-enemies. Their relationship has been taken to an all-time low due to Landon suggesting that Brandon move to Damn seal.

Distant J

It all seems so small from here...

Distant J is an observant onlooker who has a keen eye for things that are far away.

Drunk seal

Please... spare me a sip!

The drunkard is a seal whose enclosure has been slowly replaced with CLASSIC Sapporo beer. Despite this seal's affinity for the devil's drink, it refuses to touch anything brewed by Agu.

Exercise seal

98... 99... 100!

This is a seal doing a pull-up. This seal loves to exercise. The strongest seal still loses to the weakest gun.

Eyes become large


This seal has large eyes, though not as disgustingly bulging as the eyes of a Baikal seal.

Fading seal

No...! Just a little more time!

The fading seal is a seal that has run out of time. The fog has come to claim what is rightfully its. This seal leaves behind unfinished business.

Fell off


Flat seal

Watch where you're going dumpass...

The flat seal is a vaguely flattened seal that seems to be visually distorted.

Flatter seal

yikes... that's gotta hurt.

The flatter seal is a seal that collided against a strange invisible plain, compressing its upper body into itself.

Freakshow seal


The freakshow seal is a seal that is being put on display to be laughed at and derided. It is great entertainment.



Glup is an odd puddle that appears to resemble a seal. It is incredibly pathetic and to be avoided at all costs.

Half Life 2 the Seal

Half Life 2 the Seal sucks.

Hiking seal

Hi, fellow traveller!

The hiking seal spends its time exploring the unexplored. Its greatest ambitious is to hike the infamous Oregon Trail in its entirety.

Hog seal

snrff hngrff

The hog seal is a seal that has evolved to fill the niche of a wild boar, snuffling through the undergrowth for truffles and maggots. While most seals are adept swimmers in water, the hog seal excels in mud, though not as well as the Mud seal.

Ice and Fire the Seal

Too hot? Too cold? I'm too much!

Ice and Fire the Seal is a particularly dangerous seal that has embraced the polar extremes of temperature, thriving in both frigid tundra and boiling volcano.

Iceberg seal

More than meets the eye...

Iceberg seals are frigid emissaries of the chilled waves. A naïve observer from above may assume they are rather small and short, but in truth, most of their body is deceptively hidden underwater. Iceberg seals are a common headache for sailors, as striking them may puncture a hole into the hulls of their ships.

Ideal seal


The ideal seal is a seal that is geometrically perfect. For this reason it is loathed by the other seals, a subject of their envy.

Informative seal

Why, it's quite simple!

The informative seal is a seal that briefly used the Wiki Camp 2's Twitter. It seems relatively smart compared to its brethren.

John Sealna

Are you sure about that?

John Sealna is a dreaded wrestler. You can't see him. His time is now.

Just a small thing


This little thing is just a pleasant trifle.


Killroy is a friend of the channel.

Killroy is an inquisitive ol' fellow, always popping in to see what's shaking.

Laidback Nurpu

I don't give a care...

The Laid Back Nerpa is a baikal freeloader who is simply out of fucks to give. This seal is theorized to represent the deadly sin of Sloth.

Left behind seal


The left behind seal is a seal that has been abandoned. It beckons for help.

Litter seal

He is harming all of us. Badass!

Litter seals are man-made pollutants made from gasoline that are toxic to our oceans. They take over 1000 years to decompose in nature.

Loved seal

I feel wanted...

This is the loved seal. It has been offered that unique thing, human compassion. It has never felt such warmth in its life, and it does not want to let go.

Lowkey talented seal

Hip hip!

This seal is lowkey talented. Unabetted by the horrors of tobacco and malnourishment, it is able to achieve its true potential!

Mega Slug

Hey, don't mind me!

The Mega Slug is the largest slug in the world. Its shade of green is rather reminiscent of dark gray.


Hi! Look at me, Im'

The menace is a seal of the lowest caliber. It's shameful that it managed to get in...

Meteor seal

How was the fall?

This is the meteor seal. It was found in an impact crater and assume to have come from the upper atmosphere or even outer space. It likely is host to a wide variety of new and strange illnesses/parasites.

Morning seal

Can't I get a full night's sleep?!

The morning seal is a seal that has been awoken from its slumber; it is quite groggy and cantankerous for it. It appears to be the doomed version of the dozing dozen.


Point particle

The mote is the smallest subunit of seal that still retains the properties of a seal.

Mountain Dew the Seal


This is a seal utterly drenched in Mountain Dew, a famous brand of oil. For this reason, it is in pure bliss.

http:// the Seal (formerly the Sears Seal) is a sponsored seal endorsed by

Nathan "Tha Keyz" Keychain

Cute, portable, and fashion.

Nathan Keychain is a quaint merchandise-adjacent seal that was very popular in the 1970s. They were recalled after the nefarious market item began taking pictures of the keys it jangled along with using its high-tech camera eyes, so the keys could be 3D printed in The Future.


Think... think...!

Enter, Neuropon! This brainiac is suspected to be the only seal capable of using 100% of its brain, making it slightly smarter than a clam. Funding for this research has been indefinitely paused after the seal was found thinking about stupid sh*t no one cares About.

Neutral seal


This seal has no defining or noteworthy qualities.

Nlarpintine, Friend of the Avians

What do you think, Christopher?

Nlapintine is a heroic seal who is aided by birds of many varieties to aid his community. He is beloved by the masses, but some villainous individuals are easily frustrated by his mere existence, many of them fighting to be his number one nemesis. However, Nlarpintine refuses to acknowledge any evil-doers as an arch-enemy, stating his priority is keeping his community safe.

His right-hand bird is Christopher, the seagull.



Oh... that's not... I- ...

Nahhh. What's that...

Okin slushy


The okinslushy is a delectable treat that is filled with slush, an ice-like material. Seals are resistant to the cold, but this one may end up as a caveman-in-icecube.

Olympic swimmer

Did I qualify yet?

The Olympic swimmer is a hard-working seal that wishes to qualify for this year's Olympic Games in Paris. It bears an uncanny resemblance to Killroy, perhaps indicating an alter-ego?

Painting the Seal

A masterpiece!

These two seals are the subject of the painting you see on the right. It's so detailed to the point where it belongs at Toba Museum.


This, too, shall pass.

Patience is a particularly patient seal that simply bides its time lying in wait. However, due to seals' short lifespans and life expectancies, it is possible it will waste its whole life waiting.


What do I spy?

Make no mistake, this is not Peaksy, this is Peeksy, the Peekaboo. Peeksy is gossiping filth, its own life so dull and uninteresting that it has to insert itself into the business of others. Peeksy knows that it would have its ass handed to it were it to be caught peeping, so it has mastered the art of hiddenness. It is very hard to spot Peeksy, even if it accidentally stepped on a loud twig right behind you.

Pink seal

Pink sky, pink snow, pink me! Why, everything just so pink!

This seal is curiously pink. Due to a lack of a bow, it is presumably not a girl, though nothing can be said for sure. Unfortunately, it also appears to be upside-down and therefore dead.

Platter seal

Did you expect silver?

The seal whipped up on a platter is a common sight in France and Denmark. They use their platter to stay afloat on rough waves. Plattering seals tend to wash up on shores and slipways where they are easy pickings for predators. They are not worth much.

Playful seal


The playful seal is a vibrant youth that enjoys mild chicanery.

Plush seal

A toy of a seal? Yes, this miserable plaything is sure to frighten misbehaving children. Me? I'd stick to the wooden train...

Polar opposites

Which one of these is better?

This penguin and that seal are having a discussion over which Antarctic animal is better. It's the penguin, and for good reason.

AYE Penguin

We're the icons of Antarctica! We're clearly the best.

NAY Seal

What do you think the animal of The Wiki Camp 2 is?

Port of No Harbor, the seal

Not a good place to be...

The seal shipwrecked in the Port of No Harbor. The seal has had to abandon its ship, but it will surely not last in such an unforgiving place.

Precious seal


The precious seal is a little darling cutie-pie who is considered cherished.

President Seal

Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.

Grover Sealand was an iconic politician who was president of The Wiki Camp 2 prior to its shocking death of old age. Head of Lettuce has since filled its role.


Yo, mic check. Seals so cute...

Quarts is a squat ugly seal. It is rather garish and hardy.

Relaxed seal

Take a load off...

The relaxed seal is a seal holding an ucket in a spa. It goes by its online handle, therapeuticpinniped.

Restful Nurpon

5 more minutes...

The sleeping nerpy is a tired seal that has its guard down.


Rotunda is a particularly round seal. Many seals have borne the title of Rotunda.

Rotunda 2

The old king is dead.

This is the successor to the original Rotunda. This one is particularly bulbous.

RTX On the Seal


RTX On the Seal is a seal that is highly detailed. This only serves to accentuate its ugly flaws.

Seal in a spaceship

What are you guys looking at?

This seal in a spaceship has just discovered a group of free-floating astronauts. I mean, who would expect a seal in a spaceship?

Seal in green water

Stop looking...

The seal in green water is a seal living in a disgusting, stagnant, eutrophic pool full of algae and brain-eating amoeba.

Seal the Eel

He's going for goal...!

Seal the Eel has a hunger for sports. Today, he wishes to play football.

Sealie Wonder

Very superstitious!

Sealie Wonder is the world's most talented singer. Wherever it goes, local spectators are awed by its soothing voice. So musicesque!

Sean and Seal

Hi! I'm Sean and this is my buddy Seal! We hate it here!

Sean and Seal are a comedy duo that tour around the world! Sean's the funny one, always getting into mischief, while Seal is the more levelheaded one, often scoffing at Sean's jokes. They appear to be in a 16:9 image stuck in a 4:3 border at the moment. Very unfortunate.

Shallow wader

Not very deep...

The shallow wader is a seal that is entrenched in a very shallow pool of water. Perhaps deeper waters are simply offscreen, but we cannot judge it for what we do not know.

Sickly seal

That would be the ricin I gave you.

The sickly seal is a seal currently being treated with TLC for its cold or flu.

Side-eye seal


This seal has something on its mind but stills its tongue lest it get itself into trouble.

Sly seal

"Get a load of that guy."

The sly seal is a seal with a knowing smirk, who tends to offer sardonic zingers on amusing situations.

Society seal

Much to think about!

This seal lives in a society.

Spa seal

Ahhhh, so nice.

This spa seal is casually enjoying its time in the warm water of a swim spa. It's the perfect treatment after a long day of play.


...And here?

This seal is spyhopping. After noticing the mischievous tactics of its orca predators, it decided to copy them. Perhaps it's training to get its opponents deceived...?

Stealthy seal

I can't see you, you can't see me!

The stealthy seal is a seal that is obscured by its surroundings. It uses its pure-white fur as camouflage: a coward's technique.

Stickly seal

Don't look down!

The stickly seal is a seal precariously balancing itself on a narrow wooden stick. It demonstrates a relatively high level of dexterity compared to other seals.

Surfer seal

Surf's up!

Surfer seals love riding the biggest waves in the sea. Their surf culture is blooming.

Swimming student

Come on! Jump in the water!

The swimming students is taking swimming lessons for the first time at the local indoor swimming pool!

Timeskip the Seal

Where am I? No... WHEN am I?

Timeskip the Seal is a seal that one day woke up in the year 2164. It would be the last seal on earth.

How unfortunate for this seal to be the last of their kind! They were truly an interesting species to document.

Told-off seal

Eh? IDC...

The told-off seal was a seal who was reprimanded, but it wasn't actually listening.

Trainspotting seal

Ooo! That's a nice-looking train!

The trainspotting seal spends its time next to the tracks, waiting for the next train to arrive. It waves its flippers at the drivers, and passengers look to their windows in awe and disgust.

Trash seal


This trash seal lives amongst the garbage and filth, yet it relishes it. Hopefully the trash compactor won't be so merciful...



The trickster is a mischievous soul who loves playing devious pranks on others. Every day, he thinks about what he'll do next.

Tuckered out the Seal

Go on I'll... zzz... I'll catch up later...

The tuckered-out seal is exhausted. Seals don't have legs and have to crawl around everywhere on earth like the dreaded inchworm, so it makes sense why it's fatigued.

UFO pilot seal

I hope I find a pick-a-nick basket!

A UFO pilot seal was reportedly spotted over the southern parts of Cincinnati on April 18th, 1994. It was described a seal in the driver's seat of a flying saucer, potentially filled to the brim with horrible green slime. It is presumed to be a hostile invader and has been issued a death warrant by 93 governments of the world.

Uncoordinated seal

Aw man, there's just so much to do!

The uncoordinated seal does not understand proper time management and is always left burnt out!

Understanding nuerpo

Oh... I get it now!

The understanding nurpon is an empath that has the uncanny ability to connect with others and feel what they are going through.

Undertale the seal

Oh man... Talk or should i fight?

Undertale the seal is a tiny nerpoid going in it's own quirky earthbound-inspired rpg adventure. Here it's shown approaching one of the bossfights and pondering on what it's next course of action should be, shall it become a hero to all pinnipeds or be cemented as a villain to be reckoned with?

It is often compared to Lump for apparent visual similarities, however these two nerpies are as different as night and day once you get to know them.

Urban seal

Coffee anyone?

The urban seal is a seal living in the city. It appears stressed and tired from the hubbub or modern life.

Vibing seal

Oh hi! I'm just a regular ol' baby seal minding my day.

This seal is chilling on the ice. He's minding his own business as if nothing bad has ever happened.

Viral seal

One million... two million... three million hits!

This seal has become an overnight sensation after an embarrassing video of them was uploaded online. While they enjoy their fleeting moments of fame now, they will soon surely learn the importance of maintaining a spotless digital footprint.

Wedge seal

Help me!

The wedge seal is a seal that has managed to lodge itself in an icy nook, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Wet tissue


A wet tissue is the disgusting, damp larval state of most okin napkins. It is loathed by all.

Wild seal


The wild seal is a seal that lives in the wilderness. It is several miles away from any water. It is likely some kind of hermit or monster.

World traveller

I miss Antarctica...

The world traveller has been to every continent on the globe. He brought a penguin plush back to his homeland on the other pole.


Hi. I'm a grub and I live in the soil.

Scientists are still split as to whether this is a true worm or simply a wormy seal. If you are a worm expert, please contact us.


weh... eh?


Zero seal


This was the final seal. Goodbye seals!