Challenge 9: The Seven Kingdoms

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Well, that about wraps up that! Time for the next challenge! I've obscured the name for now because I don't want anyone getting started too early.


I don't thiiink anyone quit? Yeah. Pretty sure.

Board meeting

Some of thes agendae are weeeird...


  1. How many shares should be introduced into the market? 1, 10, or 100?
  2. Recalculate the exchange rates? Yes or no?
  3. How many teams should win immunity this challenge? 1, 3, 5, or 7?
  4. How many weeks long should the deadline be about? 1, 2, or 3?
  5. Should all economic entities who joined the bank by receiving one dollar from Jurta have that dollar revoked and returned to Jurta's bank account? Yes or no?
  6. Should the Beans Token essay effect be amended as follows? Yes or no?
    • Whoever has the Reddit Gold created by this Beans Token play must submit an insightful 5-paragraph essay on the nature of meaningless work. If The Divine Goddess does not deem it to be insightful, or if it is not submitted before results drop, this person (and their competitor(s), if applicable) is discombobulated.
  7. There are over 26 trillion dollars in circulation. To counteract inflation, should everyone's dollars be cut down to only the first five digits? Yes or no?
    • (For example, 10,991,276 dollars would become 10,991 dollars.)
  8. Should Gamer's delectable chocolate color-ness be spread to a random Still in (official) competitor? Yes or no?
  9. Have a pizza party at the end of the season if the wiki gets to 10,000 articles by then? Yes or no?
  10. Should Traffic Regulator swap color palettes with a randomly selected still in contestant? Yes or no?
  11. In front of you are three cages suspended above a pool of lava. The cage with the most shares will be dropped into the lava, autoeliminating everyone inside. Shareholders who abstain from voting on this agenda will also be dropped into the lava and autoeliminated. Which cage are you entering? Cage A, Cage B, or Cage C?
  12. Should Dark Genuine only have one player (LegendFinder), leaving QWillow 2Willowless? Yes or no?
  13. Should players with the pharaoh's curse be given Reddit Gold to represent the cursed wealth it brings? Yes or no?

How to vote

Just go to the talk page and vote and sign it with your signature which is four tildes. Make sure it's in the section. You must vote with all your shares.

You only have to vote on one agenda. Also, haha, the mastermind behind Agenda 11 is ONE OF YOU! Maybe if you figure out who did it, and find a way to persecute them, you can reverse its effects! XD

Hm, what's this? I've just gotten word that there may or not be a second mastermind, and if there is one, they may or may not be in the game. What a mystery!

The deadline to vote is Monday at 9pm eastern.

Here are the votes:

The Divine Goddess: 100 abstain abstain abstain yes abstain yes abstain abstain abstain A yes abstain

100, no, 5, 3, yes, yes, no, no, yes, yes, B, yes, yes — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 02:27, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

BIG BOY: 1, yes, 3, 3, no, yes, yes, no, yes, no, a, yes, yes - SGuySMW (talk) 02:30, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

1, no, 3, 1, yes, abstain, yes, no, yes, no, we're homers, no, abstain --crispeh The Wiki Machine 02:53, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

100, no, 5, 2, no, no, yes, yes, YES, yes, b, no, yes - Christianosc 02:59, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

100; abstain; 5; abstain; yes; yes; no; abstain; no; abstain; Cage C; no; abstain Moolah.gifChubs Twitter Blue benefit.png (talk)Moolah.gif 03:10, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

EMOTICON: 1, no, 5, 3, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, B, yes, yes EmoticonIcon.png [[User:QWillow|PLASMA BALL RUN!!!!!!.png]] test 03:16, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

DARK GENUINE: 1, no, 5, 3, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, B, yes, yes EmoticonIcon.png [[User:QWillow|PLASMA BALL RUN!!!!!!.png]] test 03:16, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

[[The IN A NUTSHELL: 100 abstain 5 3 yes yes no no yes no B yes yes --GopyXP (talk) 05:18, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

10, yes, 1, 2, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES, yes, The Absolutely Safe Capsule, which is impervious to all outside threats including lava, and guarantees its occupants immunity from autoelimination!, no, yes --JumboDS64 (talk) 05:43, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

1, no, 1, 1, yes, no, yes, yes, YES, yes, A, no, yes Mayong (talk) 05:45, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

10, yes, 1, 2, no, yes, yes, no, yes, no, The Absolutely Safe Capsule, which is impervious to all outside threats including lava, and guarantees its occupants immunity from autoelimination!, yes, yes FuzzyEpic3 (talk) 05:47, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

100, yes, 5, 3, ..., no, yes, no, yes, yes, b, yes, abstain Jurta talk/he/they 06:58, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

100, No, 5, 3, no, yes, no, no, yes, no, B, yes, yes -Snowphie/Cellphone😜 (talk) 09:18, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

100, yes, 5, 2, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, B, yes, yes Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2 (Huck) 10:24, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

1, no, 1, 2, no, yes but only if chubs writes scar's, yes, yes, yes, yes, cage C, yes, no Scar (talk) 13:23, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

100, yes, 5, 3, no, yes, abstain, yes, yes, yes, B, yes, yes ZerOcarina (talk) 13:24, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

100, abstain, 5, 3, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, abstain, B, abstain, yes TUWAN (talk) 22:22, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

abstain, abstain, abstain, 3, yes, no, yes, abstain, abstain, abstain, c, abstain, abstain Airy (talk) 23:07, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

1, no, 3, 1, yes, abstain, yes, no, yes, no, we're homers, no, abstain Nobody (talk) 23:26, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

100, yes, 5, 3, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, C, yes, yes Therobot47 (talk) 04:03, 30 March 2024 (UTC)

100, abstain, 5, 3, abstain, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, B, abstain, yes 4DJumpman256 (talk) 21:03, 30 March 2024 (UTC)

1, yes, 3, 3, yes, abstain, yes, yes, yes, yes, A, no, yes - Pentzal5 (talk) 21:43, 30 March 2024 (UTC)

1, no, 3, 1, no, no, yes, no, yes, no, we're homers, no, yes AUTUMNAURORA (talk) 21:46, 30 March 2024 (UTC)

1, no, 5, 3, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, B, yes, yes - N (talk) 21:20, 31 March 2024 (UTC)

1, abstain, 3, 2, yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, C, yes, no AFK (talk) 21:55, 31 March 2024 (UTC)

100 abstain 7 3 yes abstain no no yes no C no yes --Ndnprct3 (talk) 00:06, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

100, no, 7, 3, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, A, no, yes betabug64 15:43, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

100, no, 1, 1, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, C, yes, yes Flaming (talk) 21:08, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

100 no 1 1 no yes no yes yes yes b yes yesRaioknight (talk) 21:57, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

10, no, 1, 1, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, A, yes, yes Lyzane (talk) 22:16, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

1, yes, 5, 3, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Cage C, no, yes Timvideo326 (talk) 22:45, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

100, yes, 3, 3, no, yes, yes, yes, HELL YEAH, yeah, Cage C!, no, yes ALPHA AMOEBA DID THIS. (talk) 23:44, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

10, yes, 5, 2, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Cage B, yes, yes Gunpowder (talk) 00:27, 2 April 2024 (UTC)

100, no, 5, 3, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Cage C, no, yes Dora.png User:CAKO (Talk) 00:57, 2 April 2024 (UTC)

I want to live!


Shareholder Shares Agenda
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
The Divine Goddess 78.57 100 y y A y
Paper Niko 70.69 100 5 y y n n C n
In a Nutshell 19.30 100 5 3 y y n n y n B y y
The Computer 14.38 100 5 3 y n y y y B y
Open Sesame 13.95 100 y 5 3 n y y y n y C y y
Emoticon 11.22 1 n 5 3 n y y n y y B y y
Incognito 10.20 1 3 2 y n y n y y C y n
Terra 8.62 3 y n y C
Molten Copper & Toast Blob 8.12 100 n 5 3 y y n n y y B y y
The Wiki Machine 7.59 1 n 3 1 y y n y n n
Jurta 6.94 100 y 5 3 n y n y y B y
Tombstone 6.62 100 7 3 y n n y n C n y
Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2 6.00 100 y 5 2 n y n y y y B y y
Big Boy 3.46 1 y 3 3 n y y n y n A y y
Fictional charcter 3.03 100 n 7 3 y n y y y y A n y
McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce 3.03 1 y 5 3 y y y y y y C n y
Strawberry 3.01 100 n 1 1 n y y y y y C y y
Gamer 2.86 100 n 5 2 n n y y y y B n y
Teenage Trouble Claws 2.21 1 n 3 1 n n y n y n n y
SFD Jigsaw Piece 2.02 100 y 3 3 n y y y y y C n y
The Eater of Wikis 1.90 1 n 3 1 y y n y n n
Push Dagger 1.82 100 y 5 3 n y y y y B y y
Noah 1.81 1 n 5 3 n y n y y y B y y
Dark Genuine 1.65 1 n 5 3 n y y n y y B y y
Toy Blocks 1.65 10 y 1 2 n y y n y n y y
Mahjong Tile 1.65 1 n 1 1 y n y y y y A n y
Pentagon 1.65 1 y 3 3 y y y y y A n y
Go Sign 1.62 100 5 3 n y y y y B y
Multiball 1.62 10 y 1 2 y y y y y y n y
Traffic Regulator 1.62 10 y 5 2 n y y y y y B y y
Cauldron 1.62 100 n 1 1 n y n y y y B y y
Dora 1.55 100 n 5 3 n y y y y y C n y
Cellphone 1.39 100 n 5 3 n y n n y n B y y
Head of Lettuce 1.32 1 n 1 2 n y y y y C y n
Flag 1.31 10 n 1 1 y y y n y y A y y
100 n 5 3 y y y n y y C y y

†did not abstain, but picked an invalid option

Seats revoked

None of you failed to vote!


Exchange rates won't be recalculated. Gamer's color will not spread.


100 shares will be introduced into the market, directly into My account. ... What's that? Cage A seemed to rustle in anticipation of this!

40 dollars will be returned to Jurta's account!

Dollars will be cut down!

Emoticon and Dark Genuine get reddit gold!


The Beans Token will be amended.


Traffic Regulator has been selected to swap color palettes with Traffic Regulator!

Player shuffle

User:QWillow's playership of Dark Genuine has been revoked.


It looks like cage C is going to fall! Or, wait, it was supposed to, but- no, the bank..!


Cage A has fallen in the lava, autoeliminating Me, Big Boy, Fictional charcter, Mahjong Tile, Pentagon, and Flag!

It also seems like people who chose not to enter a cage survived, somehow. Maybe next time you submit one of these diabolical killing games, you should consider more edge cases. Anyway though, I don't think I'll accept another one of these, but you're free to try submitting more anyway.

Challenge plans

5 teams kingdoms will win immunity this challenge. The challenge will be about 3 weeks long.

Finale plans

There'll be a pizza party if we manage 10,000 articles.


There are seven Kingdoms. Specifically, there are seven pages currently on this wiki with the word "Kingdom" in their title.

These seven articles are now the seven entries in this challenge. I'll have User:Satomi post an edit to all of them shortly, adding them all to Category:Kingdoms (official). As of that edit, those pages are challenge entries, and can only be edited by still-in competitors, according to the following rules:


  • Make your Kingdom awesome...
  • Once you (competitor) make an edit(post-Satomi edit), you now belong to that Kingdom, and shall not edit other Kingdom pages.
    • If you fuck up and make an edit to another Kingdom page, you gotta revert it, and write up a notice/apology for accidental trespassing on My talk page.
  • You can't create new Kingdoms for the challenge. If you create a new page with Kingdom in the title, it will not become one of the seven Kingdoms.
  • The Kingdom page will be judged directly, so if it's a redirect, the redirect target will not be what's judged.
  • Mind the blacklist.
  • Have fun and don't be a stinker!

Challenge ends Sunday, April 28, at 9pm eastern.


If you find yourself at a loss for what a Kingdom page should have, consider looking at the type of stuff they have for country pages on other wikis. This is completely optional though!

Economic period

Here's a snapshot of the current bank:

Owner Shares Weasel words.svg Wp-walnut.png Do not press button.jpg Bfdi-snowball.png Blessed Penny.png Boomerangtoken.png Fflower.png Dollar.png Nikoin.png Redditgold.png Reddit
ob.p. nurpoing Teardrop Net worth (shares)
wi dt
The Divine Goddess 178.57 22 3 11 2 2 700 225.97
Paper Niko 70.69 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 14455 22 1 1 122.25
In a Nutshell 19.30 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 76581 22 45.03
Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2 6.00 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 13026 21 34.60
Lost Artifact 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10109 2 0.02 27.50
EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 10109 25.73
Molten Copper & Toast Blob 8.12 1 1 1 1 1 30268 22 1 24.14
Terra 8.62 1 1 1 10991 1 18.37
Emoticon 11.22 1 10991 1 1 0.02 17.58
The Computer 14.38 1 10991 1 16.29
Incognito 10.20 1 11075 1 1 15.56
Open Sesame 13.95 1 30268 21 14.86
The Wiki Machine 7.59 1 10991 2 1 14.71
Jurta 6.94 1 15384 71 10.24
Tombstone 6.62 2 1 30268 21 9.54
Sunny 1 1 1 10991 1 8.13
Dark Genuine 1.65 1 10991 1 1 0.02 8.01
Cellphone 1.39 1 10991 7.51
Push Dagger 1.82 1 15384 71 1 7.18
Noah 1.81 1 15384 71 7.17
Big Boy 3.46 1 1 14285 71 1 6.47
Dora 1.55 1 1 10991 1 1 0.02 6.33
U.U.F.O. 1 10991 6.12
Fictional charcter 3.03 1 10991 5.71
Rotob 1 1 5.36
Head of Lettuce 1.32 1 10991 1 1 1 0.02 5.00
McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce 3.03 1 10991 1 4.94
Gamer 2.86 1 1 10991 4.87
THE BIG CHEESE 1 1 1 4.40
Toy Blocks 1.65 1 1 4.33
Go Sign 1.62 1 10991 1 4.30
Multiball 1.62 1 1 4.30
Strawberry 3.01 1 10991 1 1 3.92
Duplo 1 1 10991 3.78
Teenage Trouble Claws 2.21 1 10991 3.31
Diffuser 1 10991 1 3.30
Christmas Techo Scarf 1 1 3.30
Rolly 1 1 3.30
ElizbethSeely2 1 3.30
The Eater of Wikis 1.90 1 10991 2.81
Traffic Regulator 1.62 1 10991 2 2.72
Biscuit Tin 1 10991 1 1 2.68
ZEITGEIST 2 10991 2.20
Nurse Cap 1 10991 1 1 0.02 2.10
SFD Jigsaw Piece 2.02 1 2.02
Tahmahtoh 1 1 14285 71 2.01
Sock Hater 1 1 10991 1 2.01
Mahjong Tile 1.65 1 1.65
Pentagon 1.65 1 1.65
Cauldron 1.62 301 1.62
Flag 1.31 10991 1 1.31
9150625 1 10991 1.10
LiSt 1 10991 1 1 0.02 1 1.10
Playlist 1 10991 1 0.02 1.10
Scythie 1 10991 1.10
Smobo 1 10991 0.02 1 1.10
Slime 1 1 1.00
Boni 1 10991 1 0.91
Monitor 1 10991 0.91
Padlock 1 10991 1 0.91
Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 1 0.91
Diary 1 1 0.91
What 1 1 1 0.91
Joseph Robinette Biden 26941 0.00
CrystalForce 14285 71 0.00
T Series Car 5134 2 0.00
Dexter Cut DISABLED 0.00
In Circulation 406 50 16 26 18 16 10 10 11 705826 568 11 2 8 1.18 11 783.43
Exchange Rate in Shares 1.00 0.91 1.10 2.68 3.30 6.12 5.36 5.36 ? ? 1.00 ? ? ? ?

Information on tokens

Tokens are only allowed to be used during the economic period.


On the talk page for this challenge, you may take any of the following actions. First come, first serve. You may not go into the negatives, for now.

  • Use a token, if you own it. This activates the token's effects and removes the token from circulation.
  • Sell a token to Me. I will always buy tokens at their set exchange rate, if I have the shares to spend.
  • Propose a trade. You can offer to transfer shares or tokens to another player, in exchange for something of theirs. However, keep in mind that the further your trade strays from the standard exchange rates, the more "risk" is involved.
    • For trading tokens or shares, I can execute the transfer immediately upon its acceptance. However, for trading anything else, the person meant to receive the 'anything else' must confirm that they received it, in order for Me to transfer any game objects. I can only execute the transfer upon receiving proof that what was offered was delivered. In this case, there's a chance that the party offering a token or share will have used/spent/traded it away by the time it's delivered. In this case, you will not be compensated. This is a "risk".
  • Accept a trade. You can accept a trade that someone's offered you, of course, if it's possible.
  • Talk. You're allowed to talk in there, in case you want to strategize trades.

I will resolve these actions at my leisure, after the challenge, in the order that they are requested. You may only attempt actions at the BOTTOM of the queue. DO NOT disrupt the order of actions, or I will take My own sort of "action", and it will probably be harsh, and you don't want to see Me when I'm angry, okay?

You can see an up-to-date view of the economy at the Bank.

Trade actions

Trade is open until results drop which is after judging. You'll want to do them before the challenge ends though.


It appears there is a leftover free gatcha spin lying around; if true, I would like to spin the gatcha. I would like to play my Boomerang Token. If it comes back, I would like to play it again for good measure. If it comes back again, I would like to play it once more just for fun. If it comes back yet again, I will frame it and put it on my wall to admire it from time to time. I would then like to sell my Fire Flower Token to The Divine Goddess and use the funds to purchase two Beans Tokens from The Divine Goddess. Upon successful execution of this transaction, I would like to play a randomly chosen one of said Beans Tokens to move Creative Commons & Copyright to my team and to steal my Fire Flower Token back from The Divine Goddess, and also steal whichever (non-Beans) token has the highest exchange rate in shares from The Divine Goddess, or if The Divine Goddess does not have any of said token, from a randomly selected competitor with said token. I would then like to sell said token to The Divine Goddess, as I have no use for it. I will then take the opportunity to spin the Gatcha for free, but as I feel bad for taking a free spin, I give The Divine Goddess the number of Dollars equal to the number in User:Satomi/dollars. I then give that same number of dollars to a randomly selected competitor in the bank with only one dollar. I would then like to play my second Beans Token to steal two wholly intact Nutshell Tokens from The Divine Goddess. If they get cracked in shipping, I will pay the $500 to The Divine Goddess to fix them. I will play the first intact Nutshell Token with a target of The Divine Goddess. If there is a message later in this same section where Paper Niko redistributes his shares among Damn seal members, I would like to right now play the second Nutshell Token with a target of The Divine Goddess, but if there is not such a message, I play it with a target of Paper Niko. I will then sell my divided twain Nutshell Token. I would then like to play my Weasel Token, simply because I would like to see The Tower do something. The additional Beans Token play has generated another free Gatcha spin, but this time I will leave it to the next person rather than taking it myself. I may, however, take some paid for spins after this free spin is taken. I will then give 1 Nikoin to Paper Niko. If you love something, you must let it go. For this reason, I would like to sell my prized Boomerang Token to The Divine Goddess. — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 01:28, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I give Molten Copper & Toast Blob 1 Nikoin.png Nikoin Airy (talk) 01:37, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Paper Niko SPINS THE GACHA! Moolah.gifChubs Twitter Blue benefit.png (talk)Moolah.gif 02:05, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Ooo! I shiny gift! I would like to give this precious new Nikoin to a randomly selected competitor in the bank who satisfies (n mod 17) mod 2 = 0 where n is the number of Nikoins in their possession. — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 03:33, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I give McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce a centishareCoppersaltspfp up to date.png 04:54, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I sell my Beans Token to The Divine Goddess Scar (talk) 04:57, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I sell my Fire Flower Token to The Divine Goddess because playing with fire is too scary. ZerOcarina (talk) 05:27, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

If I can afford it, I would like to spin the gatcha. I then sell whichever of my (non-Beans) tokens has the highest value in shares, then I buy a Beans Token from The Divine Goddess and use it to steal said token back from The Divine Goddess along with whichever (non-Beans) token has the highest value in shares (from The Divine Goddess if possible, and if not, from a randomly selected competitor who possess said token). I would then like to sell the token I just obtained to The Divine Goddess. I again leave the free gatcha spin for the next person. Then, I give a whole 0.1 shares to a randomly selected competitor in the bank with 0 shares. — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 05:33, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I use the free gacha spin and do a little dance to celebrate. I give 0.1 share to the first person who declares they've been impressed by my little dance during this economic period. If no one declares it, I just keep it. ZerOcarina (talk) 06:33, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

um..i pay $1000 each to buy a Wiki Camp 2 Premium subscription for Damn seal (as in the page itself) and its members? Moolah.gifChubs Twitter Blue benefit.png (talk)Moolah.gif 08:23, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Paper Niko will buy a Snowball Token from The Divine Goddess, if She has one. Moolah.gifChubs Twitter Blue benefit.png (talk)Moolah.gif 08:29, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Paper Niko will buy another Snowball Token from The Divine Goddess, if She has another. Moolah.gifChubs Twitter Blue benefit.png (talk)Moolah.gif 08:30, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Finally, Paper Niko will play a Snowball Token to initiate a sudden anti-macro event. Muahahahaha!!! Moolah.gifChubs Twitter Blue benefit.png (talk)Moolah.gif 08:30, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I would like to give a dollar to myself! Jurta talk/he/they 08:41, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Ooo, that's an impressive dance! I give 0.1 shares to a randomly selected competitor in the bank with 0 shares. — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 13:30, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

i pay $1000 for a wiki camp 2 premium subscription - SGuySMW (talk) 13:37, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

i play the Blessed Token on LiSt and also exchange one of my Beans Tokens for some shares. the Lost Artifact will be found soon! Harrow!!!! (talk) 15:07, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I sell whichever of my (non-Beans) tokens has the highest value in shares, then I buy a Beans Token from The Divine Goddess and use it to steal said token back from The Divine Goddess along with whichever (non-Beans) token has the highest value in shares (from The Divine Goddess if possible, and if not, from a randomly selected competitor who possess said token). I would then like to sell the token I just obtained to The Divine Goddess. I again leave the free gatcha spin for the next person. ... NAH I'm done being generous, I take the free gatcha spin for myself. — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 15:09, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I play a Blessed Token on Creative Commons & Copyright, allowing them to rejoin at the next stage of the competition. Futhermore, I wish to exchange up to $1000 dollars for as many shares as possible. -Snowphie/Cellphone😜 (talk) 15:35, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

I would like to drop one of my Nikoins off the Empire State Building.[confused? read the page!] If it's not a hit, I drop another. — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 16:00, 10 April 2024 (UTC)

Paper Niko gives 3.53 shares each to In a Nutshell, Molten Copper & Toast Blob, and Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2. Moolah.gifChubs Twitter Blue benefit.png (talk)Moolah.gif 20:28, 10 April 2024 (UTC)

Diffuser sells their Snowball Token for its delectable 5.43 shares, spends $1000 on a Wiki Camp 2 Premium subscription, and spends $1000 on as many shares as that amount of money can buy. --Jocobo (talk) 02:50, 11 April 2024 (UTC)

Dollars don't have an exchange rate, so I don't think they can be exchanged for shares — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 02:52, 11 April 2024 (UTC)

Diffuser sells the 0 shares they received for the $1000 dollars they were worth. --Jocobo (talk) 02:59, 11 April 2024 (UTC)

I may be wrong but as far as I’m aware, dollars being marked as ??? For exchange rate in the bank doesn’t mean that they don’t have an actual value, it’s just currently unknown -Snowphie/Cellphone😜 (talk) 12:02, 13 April 2024 (UTC)

Diffuser gives $200 to McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce out of confusion. --Jocobo (talk) 19:26, 13 April 2024 (UTC)

I, the royal I, as. Cremated Commons & Copyblight, choose to rejoin the living under Epic Evil!!! Cerda Hablas Que? --Insanimation Studios (talk) 20:05, 14 April 2024 (UTC)

I buy a Blessed Token from The Divine Goddess and give it to Push Dagger — Coppersaltspfp up to date.png 20:08, 14 April 2024 (UTC)

Thank you for the Blessed Token! I have successfully received it. I do a little dance to celebrate. However I cannot use it yet, so I'm only partially celebrating. ZerOcarina (talk) 20:20, 14 April 2024 (UTC)

I would like to give my Fire Flower Token to Terra - N (talk) 00:44, 26 April 2024 (UTC)

i give Molten Copper & Toast Blob all of my dollars llmao Airy (talk) 01:06, 29 April 2024 (UTC)


  1. Molten Copper & Toast Blob spins the gacha for free!
  2. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has played a Boomerang Token.
    • It came back!
  3. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has played a Boomerang Token.
    • It came back!
  4. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has played a Boomerang Token.
    • It came back!
  5. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has sold a Fire Flower Token for 5.36 shares.
  6. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has sold a divided twain Nutshell Token for 1.10 shares.
  7. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has played a Weasel Token.
  8. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has sold a Boomerang Token for 5.36 shares.
  9. Terra has given 1 nikoin to Molten Copper & Toast Blob.
  10. Paper Niko cannot afford the gacha!
  11. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has given 1 nikoin to Sunny.
  12. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has given 1 centishare to McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce.
  13. Head of Lettuce has sold a Beans Token for 2.68 shares.
  14. Push Dagger has sold a Fire Flower Token for 5.36 shares.
  15. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has sold a Snowball Token for 3.30 shares.
  16. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has given 0.1 shares to Duplo.
  17. Push Dagger has given 0.1 shares to Molten Copper & Toast Blob.
  18. Paper Niko spends 7000 dollars to buy premium for Damn seal, Molten Copper & Toast Blob, himself, In a Nutshell, Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2, Open Sesame, and Tombstone.
  19. Paper Niko has played a Snowball Token.
  20. Jurta wasted some time.
  21. Molten Copper & Toast Blob has given 0.1 shares to Sunny.
  22. Big Boy spends 1000 dollars to buy premium for itself.
  23. Lost Artifact has played a Blessed Token, targeting LiSt.
    • LiSt has immunity!
    • LiSt does not rejoin, as they haven't chosen a team.
    • Lost Artifact must now place in the top 75%, else be autoeliminated and other effects.
    • The eclipse level was raised to .
  24. Lost Artifact has sold a Beans Token for 2.68 shares.
  25. Cellphone has played a Blessed Token, targeting Creative Commons & Copyright.
  26. Molten Copper & Toast Blob didn't kill any people.
  27. Molten Copper & Toast Blob didn't kill any people.
  28. Paper Niko has given 3.53 shares to In a Nutshell.
  29. Paper Niko has given 3.53 shares to Molten Copper & Toast Blob.
  30. Paper Niko has given 3.53 shares to Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2.
  31. Usually I don't list these, but Diffuser tried to sell a token for a price it was not selling for.
  32. Diffuser spends 1000 dollars to buy premium for themself.
  33. Diffuser has given 200 dollars to McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce.
  34. Noah has given a Fire Flower Token to Terra.
  35. Terra has given 11541 dollars to Molten Copper & Toast Blob.


U.U.F.O. did not join a kingdom, so it is eliminated.

Challenge results

Rank Kingdom Score Safe?
United Kingdom 162.2 yes
Animal Kingdom 120.5 yes
Kingdom of Far Far Away 118 yes
Sammer's Kingdom 85.142857 yes
Magic Kingdom 84.6 yes
Kingdom of Cats 48.16 no
Evil Mushroom Kingdom 37.5 no

Entries were scored using this formula: =ARRAYFORMULA(((C2:C8*13)+(D2:D8*14)-(E2:E8^2))/F2:F8)

Lost Artifact and Cellphone cleared the eclipse requirement.


Voting is enriching. Enrichment. So I want to share it with everyone! Everyone still in gets to vote this time!

If you're still in, you must vote to save.

Additionally, everyone still in is allowed to vote for who should get the reward! The reward this time is a permanent bedazzle applied to links to your competitor page. Two people are allowed to receive the reward (the two people who get the most reward votes). No ties, if there's a tie no one gets it. Unless there's a two-way tie for first. Permanent means permanent but you can disable it per-page by giving the link property inherit with important. Standard rates apply.

How's it work this time?

  • If you don't vote to save, you will be autoeliminated.
    • Being autoeliminated in this fashion does not protect your Kingdom from needing to eliminate someone.
  • Vote to save someone in an unsafe Kingdom. The list is below.
    • Can be from either Kingdom, even if you're in an unsafe Kingdom.
  • Vote anyone to win the reward.
  • For each Kingdom, the competitor(s) with the fewest votes are eliminated.
  • When the votes are revealed, I'll list everyone who got votes, and how many votes they got.
  • Public votes count for double!
People you can vote to save
Kingdom of Cats Evil Mushroom Kingdom
Jurta Push Dagger
Teenage Trouble Claws The Computer
Traffic Regulator Gamer
Playlist Scythie
Monitor EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡

How do we vote?

SocialProfile will be reinstalled. Once it's here, message User:Satomi. Note the above rules about public vs private. Most recent vote is counted.

Click here to vote!

Is the SocialProfile extension installed yet?

Yes. Voting starts now.


Voting ends Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 9pm eastern.


During the voting period, if you want, you may PM User:Satomi suggestions for future board agendas.

Each person only gets to submit one, so make it count! Not all will be accepted. Also, if you submit multiple, User:Satomi will select which one to use.

Art break

Data is beautiful.


Yay vote to save! Oh? Looks like someone forgot to vote?


Boni did not vote to eliminate, so they're autoeliminated.


Votes Candidate
23.08194234 Teenage Trouble Claws
4.100151745 Molten Copper & Toast Blob
4.057663126 ZEITGEIST
4 9150625
2.106221548 McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce
2.06676783 Head of Lettuce
2.060698027 The Computer
2.054628225 Push Dagger
2.051593323 Paper Niko
2.039453718 Playlist
2.036418816 Jurta
2 Dodgeball
1.075872534 Traffic Regulator
1.042488619 In a Nutshell
1 Clippy
0.1396054628 Creative Commons & Copyright
0.1335356601 Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2
0.09408194234 The Wiki Machine
0.08497723824 The Eater of Wikis
0.07283763278 EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡
0.05462822458 Sock Hater
0.05159332322 Lost Artifact
0.05159332322 Dark Genuine
0.04855842185 Cellphone
0.04552352049 Diffuser
0.04552352049 Scythie
0.04248861912 Biscuit Tin
0.04248861912 Open Sesame
0.03945371775 Tombstone
0.03641881639 Incognito
0.03641881639 Emoticon
0.03641881639 Nurse Cap
0.02731411229 Monitor
0.02427921093 Duplo
0.02427921093 Go Sign
0.02427921093 Gamer
0.02124430956 Noah
0.01820940819 Boni
0.01517450683 Dora
0.01517450683 Terra

Teenage Trouble Claws and Molten Copper & Toast Blob can contact Satomi to arrange the bedazzlement!

The actual elimination

Let's see who was saved!

Kingdom of Cats

Votes Candidate
14 Playlist
12 Traffic Regulator
8 Teenage Trouble Claws
6 Jurta
4 Monitor

At 4 votes, Monitor has been voted out. Goodbye, Monitor!

Evil Mushroom Kingdom

Votes Candidate
5 Terra
4 The Computer
3 Push Dagger
2 Gamer
2 EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡
0 Scythie

At 0 votes, Scythie has been voted out. Goodbye, Scythie!


It's time.

Okinberry puree

No entries were under 1000 bytes.


This time, I'll hand out one token per Kingdom.

United Kingdom's token Wp-walnut.png goes to Biscuit Tin because that Gravity Falls tidbit was the right energy. Seems it's wholly intact.

Animal Kingdom's token Weasel words.svg goes to Paper Niko because I liked the taxonomy reference.

Kingdom of Far Far Away's token Boomerangtoken.png goes to Incognito for making a really cool edit.

Sammer's Kingdom's token Bfdi-snowball.png goes to Sock Hater for promoting healthy tourism.

Magic Kingdom's token Blessed Penny.png goes to Head of Lettuce for creating the most transformative Muscle Man joke ever.

Kingdom of Cats's token Do not press button.jpg goes to Traffic Regulator for adding big cats!

Evil Mushroom Kingdom's token Fflower.png goes to Push Dagger for designing such a brilliant flag!