Explain/Edit War

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In The Wiki Camp 1, the fifth challenge was planned to be an edit war, but the camp was cancelled before it could happen. In The Wiki Camp 2 this challenge idea was brought back and was used as the third challenge for the camp. The edit war worked by having a single page which competitors could only make one edit to. Some of the edits have spawned several jokes within the wiki camp 2 community.

The Edit War is commonly split into marks defined by complete page wipes.

(Editor's notes look like this.)

Mk. I

The initial toying

The edit was began with The Divine Goddess's edit to the page which consisted of only the text "FIRST".

This would soon be overwritten by Diary's edit to the page which placed an outline of a page with some text, but mostly consisting of empty headers. This edit would set the stage for the first group of edits before the first page wipe. One notable section of Diary's edit was the Yard Sale where Diary put toys she collected throughout the competition.

  1. The first toy was a blank Statler and Waldorf joke that you could fill out yourself.
  2. The second was a ninety player tic tac toe — a 10×10 grid intended to be played by all future editors of the page.
  3. The third toy was a viral Tweet which was essentially a mad libs based on the meme of the "hot people who eat croissants are dangerous" Tweet.
  4. The fourth toy was the dunk him click and drag game.
  5. The fifth was a pipe bomb with instructions on how to set it off. in the source there was the text ":Damn seal" which when surrounded by curly braces becomes a transclusion of Damn seal, and places the entire chaotic and graphically intense page on the edit war.
  6. The sixth was a magic mirror. When the "Expand" button was clicked it would mirror the entire page horizontally and reveal a sudoku bonus toy.
  7. The seventh simply encouraged future editors to add onto the section with toys of their own.

The next edit to the page would be done by CrAIyon who added "did you know... GAMING!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" to the gameplay section of the page. It should also be noted that the "GAMING" was quite big taking up a good portion of the width of the page. CrAIyon would then go on to make a second edit to the page which added screen shake, but upon hearing that making multiple edits to the page would get you autoeliminated, he undid the edit before the next person edited the page.

Mahjong Tile's edit added the Goddess Gradient template which set the page's background to The Divine Goddess's gradient. He also set the page's display title to "The Divine Goddess" with the same formatting as the display title on The Divine Goddess's page. This edit also added several paragraphs worth of text and altered the wording in several existing blocks of text. One of the paragraphs was added to the early life section, and was the "I hate gaming laptops" copypasta. Arguably the most notable addition of text in this edit however, was the Unicode character art added to the controversy section of the page. The art used braille patterns to create the "default dance" from Fortnite, but although it appeared fine in the source code, on the page itself it was difficult to make out what it was supposed to be due to the fact that there were no <br> elements placed at the end of each line. Because of this, what were intended to be separate lines ended up being strung together into single lines of incomprehensible braille patters; though, you could still get them to display on different lines by resizing your browser window.

The next edit would be made by Briny, who simply added a bit of text to the history section: "The Edit War was a fun challenge where everyone Died Horribly due to excessive Edits but it was okay, because everyone lived[citation needed] . this benefits society".

Next, Big Boy's edit removed the text Briny added, and added a toy which consisted of a Statler and Waldorf bit with Mike and Spike and Big Boy's driver.

T Series Car 5134's edit was made with the comment "Accessibility for those living in a Klein Manifold". It reversed each individual line of text so it was difficult to read outside of mirror mode. A few lines were still left untouched though.

The next edit by Jurta reverted these changes, but also added some more text to the article. T Series Car had added an X to the tic tac toe, but this was removed when undoing the edit; he added a Multiball.png to the tic tac toe grid in a different place. Jurta also filled out the verb in the viral tweet toy, added a toy 0 which trascluded the page walk cycles added the rest of the click and drag games to toy 4 (though many of them used the same css classes so only Awesome Battle of Coolness and Brush your teeth! looked normal), added a toy 5.5 which was similar to toy 5 but with the nothing template, added toy 8 "An Actual, Legitimate Bomb™" which was a gif paired with audio, moved the old toy 8 to toy 9, added toy 10 "Social Media Bankruptcy Speedrun" which instructed you to buy a social media company and run it into the ground as fast as possible, toy 11 "Random Machines!" which was a gallery of images of machines from the game Lobotomy Corporation, complete with work types below it to interact with them, toy 12 "Optimus Prime" which was an image of optimus prime, toy 13 "Nerpy Scuba" which just sucked, and toy 14 "Alternate timeline" which described a more peaceful timeline of edit war. Finally, they added a stinger which consisted of some Statley and Waldonf dialogue plus some other wiki camp characters. The stinger was continued in a post-stinger section. He also added some categories and reinstated Briny's edit, albeit with some slight tweaks.

Toy Blocks's edit added a toy 15 "Vriska Serket!" which consisted of a single captioned image. This edit also added a lot of categories and every userbox template.

Nurse Cap's edit added dia boxes of Beatrice, a character from the Umineko When They Cry series, throughout the page.

Padlock's edit added a small amount of text about fish to the trivia section.

In a Nutshell's edit added the section "NRPY Industrial Raises Full-year Revenue Forecast After Strong B12", which is an extract of an article published by Reuters with some words replaced with slang relating to pinnipeds.

Tabbed edits

Copper Pepper's edit was the first edit to alter the structure of the page in a big way. It split the page into three tabs: Ghost of Edit War Past, Ghost of Edit War Present, and Ghost of Edit War Future. The Ghost of Edit War Past tab contained the contents Diary's edit, Ghost of Edit War Present contained the most recent revision, and Ghost of Edit War Future simply contained the text "The future doesn't exist." The tab names are a reference to the three ghosts of Christmas in A Christmas Carol. In the first two tabs the ghosts introduce themselves and preface the contents of the tab with a statement. "The future doesn't exist." is a reference to the second episode of YouTube series Don't Hug Me I'm Scared; this line is said by the clock while explaining time. This edit also added an interactive version of The Toy Where You Put The Shape In The Corresponding Hole for toys 16 and 17.

In Open Sesame's edit, a seal ate a large chunk of the page and added the message "BUUUURP! Oh, sorry. I ate the rest of this page! - TheHungrySeal900".

Emoticon's edit undid this and added Emoticon dialogue at points throughout the page, including talking with the previously added Beatrice and a wikilog with Vriska Serket.

Christmas Techo Scarf's edit added to the Edit War Past tab of the page. She added a section about factions of the edit war among a few other smaller sections.

Paper Niko's edit added a tab after Edit War Future called "Twitter". (I haven't read chubs's edit and I kinda don't feel like reading it right now, so either I'll expand this later or someone else will have to.)

The 17th competitor to make an edit to the page was McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce. The 17th edit is significant due to the fact that the team MDSnSS is on is Team 17. The edit added music from Sonic the Hedgehog to the top of each of the original three tabs. To the original tabs were also added a section called "Bowser's Castle" which contains a different image of Bowser's castle from Super Mario World depending on which tab you were in. In the past tab it is a static image of the castle fully intact, in the present tab it is being destroyed by Mario, and in the future tab it is a static image of the destroyed castle. This edit also adds a new tab called "The 17th Edit+" which contained a small amount of dialogue in dia boxes and a few images with thumb captions. The edit also added a section to the present where you could order from a McDonald's.

Smobo's edit added a tab called "Ghost of Edit War Smobo" which consisted of music and IRC chatlogs where the only person in the chat was Smobo.

Daisy's edit added a section called "Daisy's Picnic Spot" where Daisy was having a picnic and invited people to join her.

[THE ZEITGEIST]'s edit (This is another big edit I haven't actually read all the way through, so I'm gonna come back to it.)

Playlist's edit (This one seems kinda linked to zeitgeist's edit, so I'm gonna do this after I do zeitgeist's.)

Kumon's edit added text throughout the source with no regard for how they would effect the parsing of the wikitext; many of them were placed in places were they would interfere with the parsing of wikitext in some way. The message reads as follows:

psst kid
yeah you there
do you need a lawyer?
well you better
you better be prepared for this incredible deal!
for one payment of 188.94 we will protect your ass from being litigated
just call 1-800-JERRYWO and you cn get in contact with our top lawyer, Jerry Workdon
you will be safe! you will be fine
trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me

Cauldron's edit was a different kind of hidden message; instead of placing new text on the page, existing letters were made small, and when put together made the text "i killed them I". The edit's comment was "A message inside of a message. Also setting off the bomb.", but the bomb was not actually set off. In Emoticon's edit, she took the instructions for toy 5 literally and surrounded the string with the text "{{curly brackets}}". Cauldron took this and surrounded the whole thing with a nowiki tag while also removing the "{{curly brackets}}" text and moving it to the start. So rather than setting off the bomb, Cauldron simply made the bomb look like this:
{{curly brackets}} <span style="color:#ff0055;">>:? <( )</span>:Damn seal<span style="color:#ff0055;">( )> ?:<</span>

9150625's edit marked the end of edit war Mk. I. In this revision, a black hole appears in the center of the screen and sucked up all of the page's content and navigation. The black hole then grows to encompass the entire page and text from 9150625 fades in and out. After the text, a white hole appears in the middle of the screen and engulfs the screen again. After a short wait, a blank Google docs page appears on the screen.

Mk. II

Tombstone's edit replaced the content of the page with a recreation of the Google docs layout. (Another one I'll look more into later / wait for someone else to fill out.)

Fictional charcter's edit

My edit

Push Dagger's edit added a mysterious forest full of Wise Mystical Trees, and brought back the picnic from Mk. I with Push Dagger also at the picnic.

Sketchy's edit added Doofenshmirtz and his Damn Sealinator, which he promptly fired in an attempt to transclude Damn Seal onto the page. However, he mistakenly left it on Lego star wars III the clone wars for the xbox 360, which meant that Lego star wars III the clone wars for the xbox 360 would be transcluded. Shockwave also appears, explaining why this happened in a bit of a meta-sense, and the Foreign Fruit, Energy Drink, and Bison Steak items from Risk of Rain 2 appeared in the picnic area.

Ostap's edit was the only edit that removed content without adding anything.

THE BIG CHEESE's edit cheesed the page.

Bullseye's edit added a list of all known apples.

Terra's edit

Cellphone's edit

Tuna's edit

Perry Llelogram's edit Notably, this was the only edit that got a negative score, due to the relatively long time between it and the previous edit.

Head of Lettuce's edit

Teenage Trouble Claws's edit

Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2's edit


Sock Hater's edit

SFD Jigsaw Piece's edit

Traffic Regulator's edit

U.U.F.O.'s edit

Gamer's edit

Heat Death of the Universe's edit

Mk. IV

The Wiki Machine's edit

The Computer's edit

The Eater of Wikis's edit

Mk. V

Image's edit

What's edit

Multiball's edit

Biscuit Tin's edit

Flag's edit

Dexter Cut's edit

Mk. Dick

See also: Explain/The Moby Dick Saga

For Lost Artifact's edit, they copied the entirety of Moby-Dick onto the page, and copy-pasted Damn seal onto it as well. However, the screen shaking from Damn seal made Moby-Dick impossible to read.

Mk. VI - Interlude ~ A War that Blooms in Spring (is a War Which Never Heals)

LiSt's edit


Pacifist Route

Meme Folder's edit replaced the content of the page with an image of MePhone 4 Eheheheh.jpg. This is notable for surviving through all of Mk. VII and the Mephone Intermission until it was deleted in Edit War Adventure 2: Battle.

Tahmahtoh's edit

No Mercy Route

123 Referee's edit was another page wipe. Seals, meteors, Goplu, and more move across the top of the page in the formation of "Wuuuwwaa wuowuoooouaaoaoaaww aauoAOAAAOOOAUAOUUNOnonoNANaAOUAOUAuauuu" from BFDI. On the right are images of each contestant in black and white with captions on who they are and a few "words of death". Near the top of the page is text that says "Obitchuaries of everyone ever… so sad! Be respectful…". Some of them are rather obscure references such as Copper Pepper's "Squished by the statue of liberty." — this comes from a few Discord messages where it was said that Copper Pepper is filled with bread just like the statue of liberty. Many of them are completely unrelated to the character. (I think there's still a lot more to explain.)

Bean Sprout's edit

Plumbers Hero's edit said hi.

Go Sign's edit

Mephone Intermission

Diffuser's edit

Edit War Adventure 2: Battle

Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s edit

EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡'s edit


Miso's edit

Sunny's edit

TheLegend27's edit

Ad's edit

Slime's edit

SummerMelon.docx's edit

Strawberry's edit

Sir Feet's edit

Rotob's edit

Rolly's edit

Dodgeball's edit

SswtUPtyOLI's edit

Mangrove's edit

Duplo's edit

The End of Edit War

The final 3 edits all replaced the entire page content with something different. Although they all count as page wipes, they are often counted as part of Mk. VIII even though they don't look anything like any of the other edits in Mk. VIII.

Monitor's edit

Let Tumes Tari's edit blanked the page and removed the title, making it one of the most destructive edits.

Pentagon was planning an making an edit, and was working up until the last minute getting his edit ready, but got in an edit conflict when trying to save his edit and couldn't save his edit in time. You can still see what his edit would've looked like at this revision of his test page.

Dora's edit was the final edit to the edit war and was made at the literal last second before the challenge ended. Fittingly, the edit consists of a culmination of (almost) all the previous edits put into a large table. At the top of the page, Dora apologizes for being inactive for most of the challenge.