
From The Wiki Camp 2
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Hmm, looks like I've got QUITE the bevy of potential admirers here, so I miiiiight as well offer my thoughts on some of 'em. Definitely NOT because I'm hopping on a bandwagon hahahaaa, I'm original, really, I am!!!

KEEP IN MIND: Even though I'm quite the computer genius when it comes to hacking and programming in general, I'm not a total ace JUST yet. As such don't expect much, uh, fanciness

Contestant Opinions


Someone of this much power? If the rumors are true, then I have GOT to get her on my side, that notoriety something not to be trifled with. (I think I'm using that word correctly)

Sock Hater

What's this guy's deal? What did Sock even do to him to make his contempt for him THAT strong? Is it just... some sort of biological INSTINCT?


You're telling me she plays Smash??? Oh wow, I seriously gotta get her to teach me how to get THAT good!


They're very friendly, perhaps a little TOO friendly? They keep butting in when I'm writing on my super-awesome blog to ask me how my day's going and I don't have the feelings to ask her to leave me alone. She's just TOO kind!!!

Staffa Island

You live such a boring life, I mean seriously, CLOUDWATCHING? Yaaaawn. Come talk to me when you get a motorbike or something.


Geez, talk about total buzzkill! Well, I'd feel the same way if I were a stickperson. Still doesn't excuse you for rejecting some of my legit genius suggestions.

T Series Car 5134

I don't actually have much to say about them, so I'm just gonna say that I know a friend who took a train alllll the way to the other side of the world. Without falling asleep. Frankly, I'm jealous!


Woah woah woah slow down, dude! I can't even strike up a conversation 'cuz you keep speedin' past me! Kinda cool to be honest.

The Wiki Machine

So you're the one making this wiki? Neat! Hopefully you win against that Wiki Eater, but something tells me there's some sort of 'balance' thing going on here.

Traffic Regulator

Oh, so YOU'RE the reason why I heard explosions during that night. The fires those guys had to put out? Totally your fault. Not even gonna deny it, are ya?

Toy Blocks

What's even your deal?! I ACCIDENTALLY knocked your ice-cream onto the sidewalk one time and now all you wanna do is see me burn to the ground! Can't we just APOLOGIZE?

Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2

I know I'll never see em, but I seriously wish I had that level of cool-osity to even consider being a graffiti artist! Man, that would've been so COOL.

Bean Sprout

What's so special about the color chartreuse anyways? It's just a color, and yet you keep bringing it up since it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Copper Pepper

Xe's very crafty, for one. If I ever do a heist mission with a bunch of other fellas than I'm totally gonna bring them along for the ride.


You're boring. Please at least get SOME kind of hobby or something. Honestly, talking to you was WAAAAY too embarrassing.

Number 1 Pen

This guy keeps walkin' around saying that "He's the main character and everybody should love him" and I'm like, no??? If anything that belongs to me.

In a Nutshell

I got nothin. It's a nutshell.

Nurse Cap

She's honestly pretty cool! Been teaching me some cool martial arts techniques every Sunday at 3:00 PM, then we take it out to the arena at the back! Fun times.


What a guy! Console games may not be as great as PC games but he's the one who introduced me to Smash Ultimate! Frankly, I'm honestly kinda hooked. I main Pichu, BTW.

Open Sesame

I'm still really confused as to what this thing's deal is. I know that I've said that ALOT for most of these people here, and this guy doesn't even take the cake for the weirdest, but uh, they're still pretty weird.

Biscuit Tin

This guy knows like, a TON about biscuits. Honestly I should have known since he IS a biscuit tin, but I was still taken aback when he first showed off that know-how to me!


Aliens, huh? I oughta say I wasn't expecting to be almost abducted... but at least I can add that to my bucket list!


Something about me makes me kinda confused. Am I me or is me me? Overall from what I'm gotten from myself was that I'm actually pretty nice to talk to, but that... uh, thing is still pretty confusing...


I thought that they'd be cool but uh, nuking an entire country is maybe taking it a bit too far???


I honestly had no idea that logo in the corner was even ALIVE. Honestly this camp continues to amaze me, and I've already seen quite a lot of amazing things.


I don't get what's all the fuss is. It's a virus, just like, install Norton or something! Does nobody here know how to use an antivirus?!


They know quite a lot! I think I've been subconsciously picking things up from themn, I mean I dunno what stuff like 'bevy' even MEANT before I asked them one fateful day, so uh, thanks?


Another thing to add to my bucket list was meeting a ghost-possessed person! Apparently the 'ghost' part of him thinks I'm annoying. Seriously? I talk about how you ended up becoming a ghost and you just tell me to shut up?


We had a conversation the other day that lasted LEGIT HOURS and by the end it devolved into how good fish sticks tasted and how they were jealous they're unable to taste anything. Overall a 8/10 conversation, hope to talk with you again.


No no no, there's absolutely NO way you were in that many shows! That's like, humanly impossible! You've GOTTA be pulling my leg here, because if ya ain't then I GOTTA know your secret!

Font Mini

Uh, what are you even? Your wiki page gives me squat, all I know is that you're mean??? And you're also a bacteriophage, maybe. I should bring a microscope.

Lost Artifact

Are they like, from some alternate universe or something? Because I've watched BFDI and I do NOT recall it ever going like that. Say this all you want, but the winner of BFDI was Firey, I can prove it!


I've seen their parkour skills and I'm not exaggerating this at all, they are an ACE. We seriously gotta team up sometime!


My head hurts man, every time I look back it's completely different. Gimme a break, I'm not trained for this kinda nonsense!

Head of Lettuce

Meh, I never really cared for politics, like, at ALL. School shoved this stuff down our throats basically 24/7, which was one of many, MANY the reasons why I became a junior high dropout.

Fictional Character

Why're they named that? They're clearly real, I talked with them just the other day.


Uh, Mahjong? Your weird doppelganger is here. I'm frankly a little scared of this thing. It just sorta, creeps by the doorways. Somebody said something about 'Among Us impostors' and frankly, I agree. I do not trust this thing at all.

Edit: I've talked to her, seems less scary now that I've actually eavesdropped on them. Still keeping my eye out but the fact that she's another one of the 'crafty' ones makes me think they'd be a good asset to the Heist Club.

Atlanta Souvenir Cup

So some of you people say I'm self-centered, but it just does not COMPARE to Atlanta Souvenir Cup here, it's like half of his personality at this point.


I heard their stories and I swear I zoned out like, several times. They just seem to drone on and on and ON, with basically no signs of stopping. Thankfully they seem to be so absorbed in these monologs that they never notice that I dip out in the middle of 'em.

Dexter Cut

Gotta say, I'm very interested in the work you and your team pull in to catalog this kinda stuff. I'm honestly quite impressed at the level of dedication, actually! Still salty about you rejecting me, I TOTALLY could've helped you speed things up!


Yawn. Another politician. Apparently they want to run France.

Christmas Techo Scarf

I don't know her very much. It's kinda sad, really. Then again there's a lotta people here, so better luck next time???

You're honestly really, REALLY annoying. Please get off of my face, I do not want to talk to you anymore.

The Computer

It was hard for me to get to her since she's only accessible using a computer, and people were crowded around the PC she lives in. That must make her pretty, uh, popular?

Paper Niko

Man, I WISH I was Paper Niko, someone as popular as him? No wonder there's so many seals on this wiki, this guy's legit a celebrity!

Wrecking Ball

Why you gotta be a such a couch potato man? Never even leaving from your seat (at least, I've never SEEN you leave that chair.)


I get the feeling there's more of these guys than just the one. That's my explanation as to why their personalities seem so... different?


Yeesh, I do NOT wanna be near this guy when he's making breakfast. The last thing I want is to be sucked into a rift and spat out into... CARS LAND or whatever.


I've heard the stories about this guy. Never actually seen him but apparently it's the reason why there's a nuclear bunker now.

Sir Feet

Well, er, uh, your name sure IS accurate. I don't really wanna accidentally upset you because uh, being impaled is NOT something I want to fill out in my bucket list.


So xey're a mailperson, huh? And one for the underworld? That's kinda cool! At least it's not making my head hurt like some of these others have...


Are you and Kiny related by any chance? Similar names, you're both weird... things?


I get the feeling you and Briny would be friends, I dunno, both of your names rhyme? Also pretty squishy, from what I've heard.


Another crafty one! Something tells me they're a lesbian, but I'm not that sure myself.

McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce

Look, I'm sorry for the Okinberry stuff, even though I'm like, 99% sure I WASN'T a cause for that. Oh, but I was a witness, BY GOD I was a witness...


Seeing your name I thought that you'd be like, a seal or something, but nope! You're just a regular ol' cat dude. Honestly one of the more 'normal' people in this collection o' oddballs.


I dunno who's trying to hide SO MUCH information about her, does she work for like, some kinda super-secret agency or anything? Does she have anything to do with that 'Image' thing?

Candy Stick

This guy tried setting off fireworks indoors. Please, TEACH ME.

The Eater of Wikis

I don't like this thing. I've never seen it in person but seeing its image and what it does? GOODNESS! That's terrifying. I don't wanna be near that thing, that's for sure! Though I get the feeling it's

Little Caesars Pizza

I've just seen them around. They really gotta get themselves known better though, I mean they don't even HAVE a functioning image on their page, jeez, talk about LAZY.

SFD Jigsaw Piece

He seems nice. I've never really gotten up close to him yet, but I've seen other people get along with him pretty easily.

Teenage Trouble Claws

I can't believe this. You're gifted with adequate hacking skills like I am, but you just use them for your own gain and stealing people's Robux??? Not. Cool. Someone oughta teach you a lesson.


Comedy nights were never as excited before you entered the scene. Sunday nights will never be the same.


I feel kinda sad for her, being stuck on a 2D plane like that's gotta suck big time!

Perry Llelogram

This guy? You're scared of a little doodle? You people are wimps, I'm gonna prove to you that this thing ain't as scary as that 'Wiki Eater' thing.


Are we sure this is even a competitor or is just some grade schooler's scrabbling? Maybe if I've SEEN a 'dodgeball' I'd be more accepting of


I'm honestly really confused here. Maybe if I meet up with them I'll get some answers.

Bot the mew

...Yeah, I don't have anything to say here. Moving on!


This thing's like a cryptid. People just see blurry sightings and hear through word of mouth that it's lurking around here. Maybe if I cared about cryptozoology, I'd take up this case.

Bacon Cola

Hehe, you're accent's funny! Are you from another country or something? What kinda funny rituals do you partake in? Sorry if I'm being culturally insensitive, I just wanna know!

Creative Commons & Copyright

Well, uh, not to be a bit of an obnoxious nerd or anything, but I can name SEVERAL comic book heroes that are better than this 'dynamic duo', like, for instance, SPIDER-MAN.


OF COURSE I'm cool! Why else would I put myself here if I wasn't.


I like Lemon Demon, so I like What! I think... never really listened to any of its tracks, but it seems like it's gonna go pretty far.

Big Boy

Hey, another train! That reminds me, that friend who rode a train to the other side of the world actually ended up purchasing their own railway! Another story about following your dreams.

Mahjong Tile

You should probably do something about this Dora imposter, we know like basically nothing about them, and that scares me.

Heat Death of the Universe

This makes me said, but then I realize that this isn't gonna happen for another like, gazillion years! We're all probably gonna die before than anyways, so


Your art is kind of... uhhhhhh, unique? Never seen anything like it that's for certain! Congratulations on getting so many requests on your site, too! I could barely get ANYBODY to do the same thing for mine.

Meme Folder

His memes aren't that funny, actually. I could honestly do better.


No fair, you get to join the camp as a group and I'm just stuck with myself! What's so special about you guys, anyways?


You and Tuna should get a room together 'cuz you're just sooooo BORING! Seriously a blank slate here. You two are perfect.


Can you try to, y'know, NOT hurt my head like this? This weird science document was another one that was screwing with my head because I was sure I was reading something else there. I need sleep.


She talks about Myspace a lot, and that just makes me REALLY nostalgic for those times, because me and my friend both set up a myspace account together, and now that it's gone I have no way of contacting them!


What the heck?


She's stretchy? I dunno how she's able to pull that off but if I had those kind of abilities I'd totally use them to just swing around on buildings like Spider-Man.


What happened between this guy? According to that earlier 'season' that I was never a part of, he was a really nice guy, but now he's like, a jerk! Is THIS what happens when


I've heard the rumors, and uh, ick. Stop trying to act all cutesy-wutesy, it's not gonna work. We've got your info on this wiki, we can expose you for the dirty criminal you really are at the click of a button!


Aww, you're kinda cute actually! You sorta remind me of something from Deviantart. You know that website? I used to use it back in the day, you know. Posted crappy Pokémon fanfics there.


I gotta say, the first time I tried miso soup I nearly burnt my tongue off because I rushed in too fast! Everybody laughed at me. It was a very embarrassing day. The contestant? Not much to say about her, sadly.

The Joker

What is it? It's the Joker, baby! Sorry I just HAD to make that joke. Again, not much to say here.


Oof, sorry buddy. I know haven't had that rough of a childhood (teen-hood?) before, but I totally feel you, dude. Wish I could help, but it's not like I can just HACK the horror away! Though that'd be cool as hell.


Robotics, huh? Well, if you're willing to join my hypothetical heist crew then I'm gonna welcome you with open arms! We kinda need the gadgets to you know, do the heist.

123 Referee

Honestly, with this many wild cards, a referee is kind of a necessity! Good on The Divine Goddess for at least giving this camp at least SOME semblance of order.

EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡

What a horrendous individual this is! Eh seems to be quite the rotten apple! No wonder my dentist said I shouldn't be having that much candy.

Witch's Cauldron

Someone really took their magic courses in school and it shows! I feel as though I'll just cause some kind of horrific tragedy, so I'm not even gonna bother asking her to teach me.

Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uhhh, you need any help with the computer there, buddy? Seems like you're just... having a little trouble there, I can totally help, though!

Mark Genuine

Eugh, if THAT'S what a human looks like, than I can totally see why some objects would wanna hide their sentience!!! Who'd EVER wanna get groped by meaty appendages like those? AbsoLUTELY disgusting!!!

Let Tumes Tari

Nobody's ever seen this person, do we even know they're even real? Maybe this camp'll prove to us if this is one big hoax or not. I'm kinda hoping not! You know, so I can actually talk to them and they'll judge me for being so cool.

Go Sign

Huh, go signs really DO exist, never knew that! Also they have the same eye thing I do! Maybe we should be buds.

Push Dagger

You uh, REALLY should stop procrastinating dude! Or at least uh, procrastinate less? Also see above.


This guy has been causing nothing but problems! Also, he's a hypocrite AND egotistical, if this current challenge is anything to go by.