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The Wiki Camp 2
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An example of a Sylladex with the Okinesque Fetch Modus activated.
Muscle Man
You know who else can carry a lot of stuff at once?

The Sylladex is an inventory system used in Homestuck and possibly The Wiki Camp 2.[citation needed] It is used to store items so that they can be used for later, typically on captchalogue cards. The way items are stored to and retrieved from the Sylladex is determined by the person's active Fetch Modus. The use of a Sylladex is optionalHS.svg and is merely a common way of carrying many items all at once.

The word "sylladex" is a portmanteau of "syllabus" and "index"; its plural is "sylladicesHS.svg". Each sylladex has two decks; the Captchalogue Deck and a strife deck, which store items and weapons, respectively, for later use.

Many people have expressed their love towards the Sylladex, and some have even attempted to implement it into their products, with some ending up scrapped and others causing severe problems, with one causing an entire rollback. Thanks to its immense success and popularity, many references to the Sylladex can be found in various media. The Sylladex has also had its fair share of criticism, mostly related to suspected involvement with governments, as well as its plethora of bugs.

Captchalogue Deck

The Captchalogue Deck is where items are stored to be used for later. When items are stored on cards, they have no physical size or weight, allowing for them to be carried around with relative ease, even if the item is too heavy for one to carry around normally, much like a bag of holding. Dependent on the active Fetch Modus, some Sylladices are able to carry larger items than others.

There is a limit as to how many items can be captchalogued at once, based on how many cards there are in the deck. Additional cards are able to be added by forcing them out of the deck by captchaloguing another item.

The word "captchalogue" is a portmanteau of "captcha" and "catalogue". The inclusion of the word "captcha" is a direct hint of the codes stored on the back of each captchalogue card.

Strife deck

Strife decks can be used to store weapons, which can be used by the player to "Aggrieve" enemies, but can also be used outside of combat. Each strife deck contains a strife specibus and a player with multiple specibi can store them in a strife portfolio. In order for a weapon to be placed in a strife deck, it must match with the chosen kind abstratus and must also be contained in a captchalogue card, one of which comes with a strife specibus by default.

Strife specibi are divided among kind abstrata and follow the naming format of [WEAPON]kind. Names of kind abstrata are limited to 12 characters, including "kind", meaning that longer names usually have vowels omitted to make them fit. All names are formatted in pure lowercase and may have numbers and fraction symbols in them.

Kind abstrata

The rifle that Michael Bloomberg uses.

Fetch Modi

How items are stored and retrieved is handled entirely by the currently active Fetch Modus. The active Fetch Modus can be chosen at will, as long as the Fetch Modus is available within the Sylladex. Each Fetch Modus has its own respective color, which is shared by the captchalogue cards in the Sylladex; captchalogue cards not within a Sylladex display as red. The back of a Fetch Modus contains an options menu, which modifies the Modus in various ways.

In The Wiki Camp 2


AAAAA Fetch Modus.png

The AAAAA Fetch Modus is signified by a pink Sylladex. Items are stored as normal but are retrieved by their names being shouted as loud as possible.

This Modus is typically frowned upon, due to its requirements for retrieving items that may make others wince. As such, it has been banned from most public spaces and may even be illegal in most countries. Newer models of the Modus now have a setting on the back that allows the player to adjust the minimum volume that can be registered by it.


ACRONYM Fetch Modus.png

The Acronym Fetch Modus is signified by a green Sylladex. The Modus works by arranging cards into stacks corresponding with what the stored items would be abbreviated as.

For example, if an apple were captchalogued, it would be placed in the A stack as APPLE would be abbreviated to A. If an alarm clock were then captchalogued, it would be placed in the AC stack, (ALARM CLOCK -> AC) and if the same was then done for an air conditioner, it would be placed in the same stack. (AIR CONDITIONER -> AC)

Each stack has a limit of six cards, but a way to bypass this would be to use nicknames. For example, if a skateboard was captchalogued but the S stack was already at its limit, a nickname would have to be used to be able to captchalogue it. So for a skateboard, the nickname "wheely device" would be used to circumvent the limit. (WHEELY DEVICE -> WD)

Among Us

Among Us Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a dark blue Sylladex, the Among Us Fetch Modus encases each captchalogued item inside of a box with a card slot on top. In order to open the box, the player must slide the card that comes bundled with the Modus through the slot. The box is able to be scaled to reflect the size of the item, with the card slot staying mostly the same size.

The Fetch Modus, however, is known to have some problems with card recognition. Sometimes, the box may display a message on its screen that the card was unrecognized or that it was either "too fast" or "too slow".


California Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a red Sylladex, the California Fetch Modus only captchalogues items whose names can be formatted into an ID that may be generally accepted by the California DMV. Items cannot have the same ID as any other captchalogued item, forcing the player to give each item a unique ID.

For example, "APPLE" for an apple may be accepted whereas "13BEER" for 13 bottles of beer may not. Most of the time, it's usually a hit and miss, so an ID given to an item may be declined first time, but the same ID may be accepted the second time it is given.

Damn seal

Damn Seal Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a villainous red and yellow Sylladex, the Damn seal Fetch Modus allows for ordinary storage of items, but retrieving any card will inexplicably summon a seal, whose behavior is chosen at random.

This Modus can be used as a quick way to gather grist if seals dropped a lot, that is to say, they barely drop any. Either way, the Modus is mostly used by those who enjoy slaying seals to their heart's content.


Signified by a cyan Sylladex, the Seal Fetch Modus functions exactly the same as the Damn seal Fetch Modus, but is branded differently, with the word "Damn" being completely absent. It is said that this Fetch Modus is used mainly by citizens in New Columbia as they have a strong relationship with pinnipeds.

New Columbian citizens also plan on using the Modus as a way to replenish the pinniped population after the total seal extinction takes place. However, experts predict that the Fetch Modus will stop working once the event commences.

Heist Crew

Heist Crew Fetch Modus.png

The Heist Crew Fetch Modus is signified by a purple Sylladex. Whenever an item is captchalogued, the card is immediately stored within a locked vault. A code is required in order to unlock the vault and retrieve the item inside.

Members of The Ultimate Heist Crew may have this Modus activated. Jurta and Toy Blocks, however, appear to use different Fetch Modi from the other Heisters, Jurta most likely due to their lack of interest in actual robbery or unwillingness to crack codes, and Toy Blocks because "Padlock made it".


Mario Fetch Modus.png

The Mario Fetch Modus is signified by a red Sylladex. When an item is captchalogued, it is placed inside of a ? Block. The player must hit the block with their fist in order to retrieve the item from inside.

The downside to this Modus is that the used ? Blocks don't disappear once hit, causing a huge pile to build up and take up space. Punching the blocks may also strain the hands if done excessively in a short time frame.


Okinesque Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a white Sylladex, the Okinesque Fetch Modus' functionality is generally incomprehensible and overwhelming to some, believed to only be understood by seals. From a perspective, it appears to be a jumble of cards, making it frustrating to navigate; however, seals are able to use them without issue.

From what people have seen, the Modus does not have much functionality and is only able to carry light-weight items, making it virtually useless. On the back of the Fetch Modus is a "self-destruct" button, which makes each card and the Modus simultaneously combust. The origins of this button is unknown, but may be a trap for any unsuspecting seals.


Captcha Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a grey Sylladex, the Captcha Fetch Modus displays a screen on captchalogue cards that displays a Captcha the player must solve in order to retrieve the captchalogued item. The Captchas can range from spelling out warped words to doing simple math equations.

This functionality also extends to trying to captchalogue items. The Modus also tends to display phrases written in the Japanese Romaji script instead of being in English, such as "jugemugokou".


Sudoku Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a orange Sylladex, the Sudoku Fetch Modus requires that the player solve a Sudoku puzzle in order to retrieve a captchalogued item.

Usually, the puzzle is formatted as a standard 9x9 grid with 3x3 subgrids; however, the Modus may display more advanced puzzles at random. These include a Hexadoku puzzle, a 16x16 grid with 4x4 subgrids, a Killer Sudoku, a Hyper Sudoku, or a Jigsaw Sudoku − a Sudoku variant where the subgrids are nonominos instead of regular squares. The Modus may also display easier puzzles, aside from a regular Sudoku puzzle designed for beginners. One of the easier puzzles include a Mini Sudoku, a 6x6 grid with 3x2 subgrids.

Scam bot

Careful with this Fetch Modus, which is usually signified by a very reddish Sylladex! Whenever you retrieve an item with this Modus activated, a scam bot may come along and try to trick you into clicking a link! If you're very smart and know not to fall for very obvious stunts like this one, this Fetch Modus functions just like a regular old Array Fetch Modus, just with scam bots involved. This can become annoying very quickly, so maybe its worth it if you just don't activate this Modus ever..? If you do though, you just gotta hope something wrong happens.


Q3lyngaascyberscoop Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a light-blue Sylladex, the Q3lyngaascyberscoop Fetch Modus uses fingerprint recognition software to check whether the player attempting to captchalogue or retrieve a captchalogued item is the genuine owner of the Modus. If they aren't, the Modus initiates a hearty zap which may or may not knock the player out. The Modus may also include other methods of recognition, such as face recognition.

Those with no sense of privacy may have this Modus activated. Those who do love their privacy may attempt to destroy any copies that meet their line of sight.


Challenge Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a tomato Sylladex, the Challenge Fetch Modus assigns the user a challenge every time they want to retrieve an item. The difficulty of the challenge is determined by the properties the item may have, including but not limited to complexity, usability, and how powerful it is. Some challenges may be fatal, but this doesn't seem to worry the users that much.

Some examples of potential challenges that may be set include making a thing, having a conflict, or coming up with a funky little character.


Rhythm Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a golden Sylladex, the Rhythm Fetch Modus generates a short arrangement of notes that the user must replicate in order to retrieve an item using the presented arrow keys. The beats per minute is randomly generated, but ranges between 80 and 120.

There is also an off-chance that the arrangement may be inspired by other sheets, including Beethoven's own works. The keys presented are also customizable. Sometimes, more than four keys are presented.

King cake

We don't talk about this, especially not that. It's more of a "keeping our sanity intact" thing rather than anything related to legality.


Remote Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a light-grey Sylladex, the Remote Fetch Modus assigns a pin to every captchalogue card, which the player must guess using the remote bundled with the Fetch Modus. The pin may range from 3 to 8 numbers in length and can usually be a repeating number or entirely random.

Hackers are able to crack the pin with relative ease, mostly due to the pins only consisting of numbers. Sometimes, though, a bug may occur that causes the pin to be garbage data, effectively preventing the player from obtaining the item that's been captchalogued.


Talkative Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a blue Sylladex, the Talkative Fetch Modus functions only in the middle of a conversation, meaning that the player cannot retrieve an item by saying a simple sentence, nor a single word; the player must be directly talking to someone while retrieving an item. The name of the item must also be inserted somewhere in the middle of a conversation in order for it to be retrievable. A bug used to exist which allowed for the player to have a conversation with themselves, but this has since been fixed.

Controversies surrounding this Fetch Modus began when people found out that each model of the Fetch Modus has a built-in microphone that is enabled at all times, unsurprisingly violating various privacy laws in many countries, as well as betraying the trust of those who use the Fetch Modus. Since then, the sales for the Fetch Modus have dropped significantly, with the company who manufactured them on the verge of bankruptcy. The CEO of said company has since cut all communication with everyone, leaving the fate of the company up for debate, as well as the whereabouts of the CEO.

Hmm... have a conversation? No thanks, I'm GAMING right now..! GamerSeal420 (talk) 16:33, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

Dude... Shut the Fuck Up! Go game somewhere Else... NerdyHarpSeal (talk) 17:04, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

It's-a-me, Mario! Let's-a-go! Super Mario

Okie dokie! Luigi time! Super Luigi

Wow, I'm like, a talking fetch modus! Betcha didn't know I talked! Bet you're, like, sooo surprised I talk! Like, fetch modi don't usually talk, but i'm different! Very different. I'm not like other fetch modi at ALL. Because I, like, talk, and stuff. I can talk about all sorts of stuff. I can talk about your stuff! Ain't that, like, REAL wacky and what-not! Because your fetch modus is talking to YOU! About YOUR stuff! Dude, this is just like, uhhh... It'll come to me eventually, but it'll be so meta and funny. Like Meta Knight! Y'know, the- That gun from High on Life

Oh my God you are genuinely so OBNOXIOUS. Go do literally anything else. NerdyHarpSeal (talk) 17:43, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

what the actual FUCK is a home stuck N (talk) 17:58, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

the Wiki Machine!

mwahahaha! i am an EVIL BOT!! i am going to advertise SCAM WEBSITES here! EVIL bot account! (talk) 18:32, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

Hmm..? I don't think so. I am the FBI, and I hereby arrest you. :) Federal Bureau of Investigation (talk) 18:33, 27 January 2023 (UTC)
???? FUCK OFF EVIL bot account! (talk) 18:33, 27 January 2023 (UTC)
no way IM evil too!!! N (talk) 19:13, 27 January 2023 (UTC)
Leonardo da Vinci
I painted the Mona Lisa.


91506250413 Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a Sylladex with unrecognizable colors, the 91506250413 Fetch Modus appears to be created entirely by some bot originating from Russia, though each copy of the Modus claims that it was made somewhere else, with Poland appearing to be the most common out of all possible places.

The Modus' functionality is entirely based around misinformation and decieving the player, such as mislabeling captchalogued items either through showing a random image, calling the item something completely unrelated, or both. As such, it is the least used Modus out of the others, and has recieved largely negative reviews for its nonsensical behavior.

As the Fetch Modus causes eye strain and potential blindness when looked at, only artist visualizations of the Modus exist.

Solitaire Mahjong

Signified by a green Sylladex, the Solitaire Mahjong Fetch Modus, also simply called the Mahjong Fetch Modus by some players, generates a solitaire mahjong game using the captchalogue cards as tiles, with empty cards being used if needed, with different color outlines to differentiate from one another; a minimum of 10 cards is required for each game.

The game plays out as any other solitaire mahjong game, and if all the corresponding tiles representing a captchalogued item are cleared, then that item is considered retrieved by the player. The player can choose to stop the game at any time, or carry on playing. If the player chooses to complete the game, they are rewarded with an extra captchalogue card.


Signified by a gold Sylladex, the Paywall Fetch Modus requires that the player pay roughly 8 dollars ($7.99) per day in order to use the Fetch Modus. Retrieving and captchaloguing each item also costs 10 cents.

Moolah.gif Breakingbars.png Moolah.gif
Truelock.pngNote: Starting at $39.99 USD/mo. Price may vary based on region.Truelock.png


IKEA Fetch Modus.png

Signified by a blue Sylladex, the IKEA Fetch Modus places each captchalogue card in a maze laid out like the interior of an IKEA furniture store. Attempting to locate one singular card requires a lot of navigational skill and patience. Players may use hints located throughout the maze in order to guide them, including maps and projected arrows.

IKEA has attempted to sue the company that manufactures the Fetch Modus as it violates their intellectual property. The company didn't care one bit however, and continued manufacturing them. Their headquarters were quickly swallowed by a sinkhole minutes after.


Signified by a rainbow-colored Sylladex, the Rainbow Fetch Modus organises captchalogued items based on where they stand on a standard color wheel. However, problems would arise if there were attempts to captchalogue multi-colored items. The only way of retrieving an item is to replace it with an item of a similar color.

In some devious universe out there...

Hereby One Shitty Trick

Signified by a brown(?) Sylladex, this Hereby One Shitty Trick Fetch Modus loves to play tricks on those who have it activated! It constantly ejects items whenever it pleases, and it also eats any captchalogued items when it gets hungry. Nobody uses it, except for those who hate themselves.


Signified by a Sylladex, the The Fetch Modus does. And it can. However, it can. Those who do, have this. And what about?

Damn seal II: Electric seal!

Signified by an even more evil shade of red Sylladex, the Damn seal II: Electric seal! Fetch Modus functions exactly the same as the Damn seal Fetch Modus, except the seals that spawn are massively buffed. They now come with equipped weapons, and are also insanely more smart. Those with an even stronger sense of seal slaughtering would prefer this Modus over the Damn seal one any day.


[11:56:23]  nerpaseymour  |  look at this thang Okinberries.png

Use as a weapon

Learn something for a change.

Certain types of Fetch Modi have the weird capability of launching items from the Sylladex when it can no longer hold anything else due to excess Captchaloguing. This tends to cause accidental damage to property, including windows and perhaps an entire bedroom. Weaponizing the Sylladex can however be helpful in defeating one's enemies as items can be launched foe-ward.

Utilization of this method is most efficient when the items captchalogued are stronger than the available weapons.

Other media

On PictoChat

The PictoChat mockup in question. Note the Sylladex button above the text options.

A mockup user-interface for PictoChat displayed a Sylladex button, with the Pen Size buttons being merged into one singular button. Its functionality is unknown, nor is the reason as to why it was planned in the first place.

When Nintendo was asked about this discovery, the employees started barking. When Nintendo's sister company, Nantendo, was asked about it, they said that the employees working on the software at the time must've been eating too many okinberries.

uh, yeah, maybe they ate too many okinberries? we have no idea how they came up with this, but we should be glad they didn't go through with it. please don't ask us any more questions.

— A Nantendo employee

Some people speculate that the Sylladex button would've been able captchalogue messages, or potentially the entire chat, effectively archiving them. Others state that the button would've been able to captchalogue drafts. Some even state that it might've been able to captchalogue the whole software in its entirety, though many don't believe this could've been feasible. Nantendo employees have attempted to prevent any more speculation due to "attracting unwanted forces", to no avail.

Apparently, one employee tried to open up about this through a voice call, but their connection was immediately cut. An investigation into the matter revealed that the employee's house was destroyed by a nuclear weapon, presumably around the time the voice call was taking place. As of now, no indication of the weapon's origin has been found, but many claim that it was sent by the Japanese government at the request of Nintendo.

Rumors have stated that Nintendo planned on revisiting the Sylladex idea for DSi versions of PictoChat. However, no known documents, including those that were leaked from Nintendo's database in the late 2020s, confirms this. There have been some employees, each one wishing to not be named, who have stated that there were attempts at doing so, but each one blew up in their face, either figuratively or literally.

On Wikipedia

A screenshot of the Main Page having been captchalogued by DeviousSeal97.

Like PictoChat, a concept for the Sylladex was thought of. The feature was planned to be able to let editors captchalogue drafts of articles they've been working on. Unlike PictoChat, however, the Sylladex was actually developed and pushed to all Wikipedia users. Unfortunately, an oversight led to regular articles being captchalogueable, prompting a rollback of the website due to the damage being catastrophic, with roughly 100 thousand articles being impacted.[1]

When employees were asked about this incident, they outright refused to respond, asking that the interviewers "leave their headquarters".[2]

Later on February 9, 2023, the original updater on the situation, AdmenyMikel, posted a message on the talk page for this article requesting the removal of this section, stating that its inclusion is causing a new peak of people asking about the rollback, which "do not have the resources to handle". After being asked to be transparent about the rollback, AdmenyMikel began being mean towards the author of this article, which escalated after information about said conversation was added to the article. Apparently, they were demoted and later banned on Wikipedia afterwards.

On Twitter

Fake news.jpg
Sealon Musk Twitter Blue check.png Twitter

New feature: Twitterloguing! Now you can "captchalogue" your favorite SEAL tweets! Only Twitter Blue members can, though...

December 10, 2022 

Sealon Musk planned to add Sylladices to Twitter weeks after he had bought it. However, he didn't have enough employees to implement them in, effectively forcing him to scrap the idea altogether.

Weeks later, however, he decided to revisit the idea, naming it "Twitterloguing". The feature basically allowed users to captchalogue their favorite tweets; however, the feature was limited to Twitter Blue users and only worked on tweets related to seals. Plus, the tweet would also no longer be public once captchalogued. Users can only captchalogue up to 10 tweets, but can captchalogue more by buying more cards.

A fatal glitch with Twitterloguing became known on February 8 to February 9, 2023, as Musk shut down the public Twitter API access. Apparentally, all tweets that were captchalogued were pratically deleted as the code that held all said tweets was deleted while Musk privatized the API. Unfortunately, the tweets were unable to be restored as Musk had pratically also deleted the backups. This caused a huge amount of backlash, as well as another migration to other platforms, to occur.

On Tumblr

Tumblr mocked Twitter's inclusion of its Twitterloguing feature by implementing a parody of it, named "Tumblrloguing". Whenever one would Captchalogue a blog post, it would produce a copy of said blog in the user's Sylladex. However, the blog would have some of its text replaced with random garbage data, mocking Twitter's erroneous decisions that resulted in a loss of data.

On Discord

Sylladices were planned to be implemented in Discord and packaged with Discord Nitro. It never really happened though, as it was left on the backburner for an indefinite period of time. Its possible that it could've been scrapped by now, but nobody knows for sure as any employee at Discord vaporizes anyone who asks about it.

In The Toy Where You Put The Shape In The Corresponding Hole

As this game tends to change, the presence of a Sylladex is uncertain and completely random. While the Sylladex can indeed be present at times, it is sometimes replaced with other arbitrary inventory systems. The reason as to why this is the case is still unclear as the developers dump themselves in lava whenever they are asked.

In The Adventures of Great Nerpal

Unused code for a Sylladex-like inventory system was found in the source files for The Adventures of Great Nerpal. Unlike The Wiki Camp 2's implementation, it appeared that microtransactions would've been incorporated into this system in some way, like the current inventory system. Upon speculation, it would seem as if microtransactions would've been used to unlock new Fetch Modi.

When asked about this, Jimmy Whales, the creator of the game, looked increasingly upset but outright ignored the question, opting to take a bath in his large vault filled with dollar bills.[citation unneeded] Mickey Boomberg, one of the directors, told the inteviewers to get away from him as he is "scared of liberals".

In Pokémon

Apparently, the Sylladex was in Pokémon and was represented by a captchalogue card-shaped object. It was also evolvable for some reason? Its evolution just made it bigger and gave it a different name, though. For those who are curious, the word "abstrord" is a portmanteau of "abstract" and "record"; its plural is "abstrords".

 Normal  Electric 
Level 20
First evolution
 Normal  Electric 

It is not known what moves this pokémon would've been able to learn, as well as what it stats are, as they are all not set for some unknown reason.

In Minecraft

A Netherite Chestplate with the Captcha Armor Trim in question applied using Gold as the material.

In Minecraft: Java Edition snapshot 23w04a, there is an unused "Captcha Armor Trim" located in the source files, the design of which appears to be inspired by the Sylladex. For some reason, this was never fully implemented into the game, but a patch can be applied to the game that allows for the trim to be used.

Based on the source files, it appears that this item would've been obtainable from Giants, though this may have only been a placeholder. When asked about this discovery, Mojang employee kingbdogz quickly responded with a swift block.

Another shapshot also contained an attempt at incorporating a Sylladex-like system. When a patch is applied to enable it, it functions similarly to a backpack. Cards were also a new item that could be incorporated into the system to increase its slot count, which starts off at nine slots. Eventually, with enough slots added, the system would start overflowing off the screen.

In High of Krunkly

The Sylladex is the main inventory system in High of Krunkly and is, for some reason, incredibly buggy. Captchalogued items refuse to enter the Sylladex, and cards sometimes disappear, gradually decreasing the total slots. As there hasn't been any updates to the game in months, apart from merch introductions, those who have played it have low hopes for its future. This is further supported by the fact that the developers mock anyone who try to bring up the issue.

In Jack Smack

Maybe the Huang Twins wanted to implement the Sylladex into Jack Smack? Maybe not? One thing's for sure, nobody knows how it could've been implemented. Maybe it could've been another obstacle Jack needs to avoid..?

In Super Seal Party

Models for Fetch Modi were found in the source code for Super Seal Party, as well as leftover code for the Sylladex's functionality. Many suspect that these features, along with a bunch more, were scrapped when focus shifted towards making the game a party game.[3]

In Among Us

One of the concepts for a task in Among Us involved cleaning up your Sylladex. You had to retrieve all junk items from it in order to finish the task. The idea was however scrapped for "being too cheesy". However, one developer, potentially the content manager, thought the idea was funny and made a joke about it on Twitter. As the idea was never meant to be released to the public to begin with, probably because it was meant to be kept a secret, the content manager was promptly ejected from the headquarters. They weren't the impostor. Whoops!

In Fall Guys

A Sylladex-styled costume was planned to be added in one of the Seasons in Fall Guys. It never really happened though, leading some to believe that it could've potentially been forgotten about, scrapped, or that the developers are just lazy.

In Just Chatting

You can talk about Sylladices in Just Chatting, so I'd say it counts.

In real-life

Unfortunately, we don't really have the technology to store items on small cards. I like to imagine that there is a civilization out there that has achieved this. There are trillions of planets in our little universe, after all.[citation requirement contested]

Other games

Other games, including but not limited to Pizza Tower, Terraria, and that one Squid Game inspired game that quickly died off, have done varied attempts at implementing the Sylladex as to ride its success. None of them succeeded and it all blew up in their faces. This has been compared to the whole mascot horror situation, I think? IDRK, but whatevz!

In popular culture

The Simpsons

In season 34 episode 25 of The Simpsons, "Eclipsing Gamers", the Simpson family play a top tech game that utilises the Sylladex as its main inventory system. They realise that whatever happens in the game also happens in real life, and thus use this to their advantage to prank Springfield. They however end up causing the destruction of the Moon, and are now wanted by the international police force.[4]

In season 35 episode 14, "Bart Into The Metaverse", a replica of the Sylladex can be seen sitting on the shelves behind Comic Book Guy in his shop, The Android's Dungeon and Baseball Card Shop, while he was talking to Bart. Another replica can be seen while Bart is traversing through the metaverse and talking to wacky characters from notable NFT collections, including Bored Nerpas, Rare Okins, and CryptoSukes.[5]

Family Guy

Several cutaway gags centered around the Sylladex took place across several Family Guy episodes. One example includes season 22 episode 20 where Peter Griffin reminds Lois Griffin of that one time he got caught in a mess trying to organise his Sylladex.[6] One journalist reported feeling "incredibly awkward" after witnessing the gag.

Nerpy Scuba's Quiz Show

In Nerpy Scuba's Quiz Show, the host, Nerpy Scuba, asked the contestants what was in their Sylladex. The contestants had no idea what they were talking about, but tried to guess anyway. Each contestant got it wrong, and Nerpy Scuba revealed what it was: scuba diving equipment. Nerpy Scuba then said "Get it? Cause I love scuba diving! Haha... man, what about Nerpy Scuba, am I right?"[7] The show promptly received negative reviews after this occurance, forcing it to get canceled.[8] One main factor in the cancelation was Nerpy Scuba being seen not wearing their scuba mask, and the witness taking a picture and spreading it online.[citation not found]

Battle for Dream Island

In episode 31 of Battle for BFB, the Sylladex can be seen as a recommended character. The Sylladex appears again when Flower retrieves an item from a captchalogue card.[9]

In episode A of Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two, Sylladexy debuts as the 44th contestant, joining Tear Drop. They were however later eliminated with 3,140 votes to be safe in episode F. The reason as to way may stem from them being "bland", according to many people.[10][11]

Inanimate Insanity

In episode 21 of Inanimate Insanity Invitational, Steve Cobs, CEO of Meeple, attempts to create his own rendition of the Sylladex; the Syllame. This however inevitably fails as the invention blows up in Cobs' face, figuratively and literally. MePhone 4 is unsurprisingly astonished about this event, and announces the fourth season of Inanimate Insanity in celebration of this occurance.[12]

Brawl for Object Palace

In episode 100 of Brawl for Object Palace, Snorty Pig retrieves an item from his Sylladex, proceeding to go "YEES!" after successfully doing so, only becoming sad after he realizes he had retrieved bacon from it.[13]

Love of the S*n

In episode whenever of Love of the S*n, Charger Block has a massive tantrum about how much he hates the Sylladex, calling it "trash". People called him a massive crybaby afterwards, which causes him to explode. ROFL![14]


Sylladices have received "beyond favorable" reviews from critics, according to review aggregator Metacritic. Many people have praised their Sylladices for being very efficient and being able to function well with any conceivable item, even if the size limit is "a bit of a downer". However, many have reported that their Sylladices have blown up unexpectedly. It is unknown if the combustion is just a feature of the activated Fetch Modus, or if it is a genuine glitch. Some players have stated that they'd appreciate it more if their Sylladices were easier to disable, while some would rather use their pockets.[18]

Michael Bloomberg has stated that he's a big fan of Sylladices, stating that he "[sees] the monetary potential in this little interface". A reviewer at BuzzFeed has also praised the Sylladex, calling it a "helpful little tool".[15] Tommy Tallarico has alleged that he created the Sylladex all by himself, and that "his mother is very proud of him".[19][third-party source needed]

Many people have criticised the function of captchalogued items being ejected when the Sylladex is overloaded. As a result, most Fetch Modi now come with a built-in option that can be set to prevent ejecting of items. However, most people don't realize that there is such option available as many don't think to look at the back of their Fetch Modus. As such, many would prefer for a manual to be bundled with each Fetch Modi, where the option could be mentioned to new users.

Many scammers have tried to sell bootleg Sylladices, calling them other things, including but not limited to "Captchahelds" and "Cryptotakes". Most scam attempts have resulted in lawsuits from anonymous companies.


Many people have formed theories based around the Sylladex overtime. One theory claims that the Sylladex was created by the government to track on any unsuspecting players; in response, the government requested immediate investigation on whoever created the theory, saying that they "stink". Another theory states that Sans is Ness, and vice versa.

Conspiracy theorists have also speculated about some supposed secret function to Sylladices that could potentially be used by governments to communicate with aliens. No concrete evidence supporting this has been shown yet, and many social media platorms, including YouTube, have been actively purging any form of content that tries to promote the rumors.

Various people have pointed out supposed "subliminal messages" in the Sylladex, claiming that they're "bizzare", "uncanny", or whatever else. Where they saw these messages, or what they are in the first place, is unclear, but nobody is bothered enough to go out of their way to look for them, probably because its pointless.

2023 Sylladex scam incident

Victims after getting scammed. This is perhaps. The opposite of Glaggling?

On January 1, 2023, a scam company under the name of "Computence" claimed to be offering "free Sylladex upgrades". However, their upgrades were actually fatal malware. Therefore, if one were to get the "upgrade", their Sylladex would basically become a ticking timebomb.

Any Sylladices that were affected would explode in 72 hours from when the "upgrade" was first applied. As many were oblivious to this fact, many Sylladices ended up exploding. Not only was the explosion predictably very fatal, but they also caused severe property and structural damage, with some structures even collapsing.

A class action lawsuit was filed against Computence afterwards, requesting that they pay the total cost for all damage caused, which was estimated to be in the millions. As a result, Computence filed for bankruptcy, but only after making fun of those who filed the lawsuit, as well as saying that "It's just a prank, bro!" in a voice most familiar to everyone out there.


Film adaptation

Disney planned on creating a movie based on the Sylladex and the lives of the captchalogue cards who reside in it, much akin to The Emoji Movie. It would've been roughly 2 hours long and would've featured many famous voice actors. However, the film was promptly canceled as Disney had laid off 7,000 employees[20] around its development, including the entire crew hired for this one film. An extract of the conversation that they got fired in the middle of has been released publicly:

  Toggle long and boring dialogue  


A spin-off to the Sylladex, called the Sylladex 2, was planned to be developed by Bichael Mloomberg, but was scrapped shortly after. Mloomberg had attempted to gain funding for it, but failed to do so. He had tried multiple fund-raising websites, but nobody was interested, most likely because the original Sylladex was fine enough.

The spin-off planned to have advertisements built into it, as well as a marketplace which could've sold add-ons.


*Sylladices may not actually be water-proof and contact with water may make them explode faster, take into water with upmost responsibility.

**Depends on the active Fetch Modus.

See also


  1. REDACTED (February 2, 2018). "Regarding the recent rollback". The Signpost. Wikipedia. Retrieved January 31, 2023.
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  12. Katz, Adam, Koch, Brian, Chapman, Justin (writers and directors) (September 21, 2024). "Lucking It Out". Inanimate Insanity. Season 3. Episode 21. AnimationEpic.
  13. Snorty Pig did NOT work on this one! He was slandered in this episode... (November 1, 2024). "One Snort Of A Brawl". Brawl for Object Palace. Season 1. Episode 100. HurricaneHunterJackson.
  14. malues (director) (September 30, 2024). "Death Is Beatable". Love of the S*n. Season 1. Episode whenever. malues.
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 "Sylladices? More Like Wackydices! A Review". BuzzFeed. February 8, 2023. Archived from the original on February 8, 2023. Retrieved February 8, 2023.
  16. Crityqe, Heavie (November 30, 2022). "Are Sylladices Really The Greatest Thing Ever Created? Review". Now's Your Tele Vision. Retrieved February 9, 2023.
  17. Mama, Yuri (August 21, 2022). "Sylladex Review". IGN. Retrieved February 10, 2023.
  18. Statley; Waldonf. "Statley and Waldonf's Ask Us Any!". Statley and Waldonf Official Website. Retrieved January 31, 2023. Personally, I'm putting an items in my pockets.‎
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