Analysis/List of TWC2 Contestants by sum of scores

<< Return to Analysis im not counting challenge 6

Including Team Challenges

Competitor Challenge 1 score Team Challenge 2 score Edit War edit Challenge 3 score Thing Challenge 4 score Confusing page Challenge 5 score Total
Emoticon 259 Host 297.4 14 557.9 2057.7 Katamari Damacy 464.25 3636.25
Diary 333 Host 297.4 1 794.46 Mate 1155.6 Wordle 500.5 3080.96
Paper Niko 284 Damn seal 164.5 16 1154.52 Netflix Instant Streaming Disc 279.7 Katamari Damacy 464.25 2346.97
Terra 124 The Mario Party 115.5 33 751.95 Morning Glory Forest 304 Lil Hal 800 2095.45
Jurta 127 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 7 622.12 Sylladex 798.1 Killing God 387 2051.82
ZEITGEIST 445 Host 297.4 20 425.94 Contract 485.4 Girl Host 392.25 2045.99
Head of Lettuce 371 Epic Evil 131.5 37 492.74 Skate board 296.9 Death Note 672 1964.14
Go Sign 114 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 63 628.69 "I'm With" Shirt 627.8 Heart points, the main health system of Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64 446.3 1934.39
9150625 635 Host 297.4 24 111.87 Stop Talking or Everybody Explodes 376.7 Girl Host 392.25 1813.22
The Computer 210 The Mario Party 115.5 47 311.78 Mahjong Night at TWC2 626.2 Girl TF2 441 1704.48
Nurse Cap 456 Host 297.4 9 313.82 Hecate's Mirror 214.9 Girl Host 392.25 1674.37
Christmas Techo Scarf 483 The Sponsored Segments 45.3 15 197.08 Sun Dried Techo Claw 447.1 Heart points, the main health system of Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64 446.3 1618.78
Playlist 91 Host 297.4 21 352.04 Remote 452.4 Girl Host 392.25 1585.09
Diffuser 219 Host 297.4 64 367.13 Paper Slips 161.9 The Daily Object Show 467 1512.43
Dora 92 Host 297.4 83 372.95 The Controller Where You Press The Button To The Beat Of The Corresponding Note 181.1 Katamari Damacy 464.25 1407.7
In a Nutshell 18 Damn seal 164.5 11 343.86 Greet 354.8 Wordle 500.5 1381.66
Bullseye 377 Damn seal 164.5 32 270.16 Boge 216.4 Category:Furries 309 1337.06
Monitor 119 A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. 196 81 577.34 Badges 155 Some other third thing 160 1207.34
Cellphone 105 Epic Evil 131.5 34 217.34 PictoChat 343 California seal ion 400 1196.84
Mangrove 105 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 79 641.12 James Bond 121.1 Autism Powers 196.25 1181.07
The Wiki Machine 482 \\err:404 142.3 46 187.46 Magic 187.1 F8 125.5 1124.36
TheLegend27 120 \\err:404 142.3 69 799.15 Juneside Potion 35.2 DNP 1096.65
Toy Blocks 96 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 8 203.26 Arlo 211.3 Katamari Damacy 464.25 1092.41
Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2 69 Damn seal 164.5 39 315.12 Sacred Rubber Sapling 136.5 Friday Night Fun Kin 394 1079.12
Toasty 128 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 27 753.78 Sad 61.2 DNP 1000.105
McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce 183 Team 17 33.2 17 291.66 SaucE3 171 Super Nintendo World 317 995.86
Scythie 52 The Mario Party 115.5 74 309.78 Excallusber 183.2 Girl Mario 292 952.48
U.U.F.O. 123 Host 297.4 43 329.82 String 62.8 U.U.F.O. (album) 138 951.02
Open Sesame 157 Host 297.4 13 232.84 King cake 84.7 Rhett and Link 161 932.94
Gamer 63 Team 17 33.2 44 337.49 Red Shell 50.8 Heart points, the main health system of Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64 446.3 930.79
Tombstone 248 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 25 140.8 Royalty Crown 224.8 Cache 258 928.725
Copper Pepper 71 Team 17 33.2 12 222.72 Medal detector 207 Copper Slats 391 924.92
T Series Car 5134 64 I like this Team Name 0 6 494.7 Mode 33.1 Flandre Scarlet 311 902.8
123 Referee 138 Damn seal 164.5 59 457.61 Fishtank 134 DNP 894.11
Smobo 70 Host 297.4 18 82.21 Pokémon 42.1 Vriska Kart Tour 391 882.71
Sock Hater 95 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 40 155.25 Portla Gun 112.7 Yuri (character) 390 870.55
LiSt 110 Host 297.4 56 251.55 Trousers 51.3 Fin fin 93 803.25
Dexter Cut 237 Damn seal 164.5 54 149.22 Obj c ropeSwing 141.5 Host/Kinlist 103.5 795.72
Duplo 70 A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. 196 80 32.3 Motherfucking qr code 105 Cherries 374 777.3
THE BIG CHEESE 13 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 31 591.9 Thingamajig -143 Autism Powers 196.25 775.75
The Eater of Wikis 134 \\err:404 142.3 48 198.63 EPIC RAP BATTLES OF WIKI CAMP! 146.4 User:Nobody 148 769.33
What 57 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 50 308.08 Goomba 76.3 Autism Powers 196.25 755.23
Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!!! 251 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 65 264.84 Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!! 156.4 Bitch 23 752.365
Sketchy 104 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 29 165.4 Crystal in a Bottle 158.9 Autism Powers 196.25 742.15
Big Boy 52 Team 17 33.2 5 125.5 Piano 147.4 Okinada 380 738.1
Daisy 175 Epic Evil 131.5 19 87.07 Guild 244.9 Fin fin 93 731.47
Kumon 127 Epic Evil 131.5 22 462.61 DNP 721.11
Biscuit Tin 109 A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. 196 52 86.5 The Most Superb Biscuit in the World 202.2 Yeast 120 713.7
SswtUPtyOLI 22 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 78 544.9 Baby photo's 🥹 50.2 DNP 674.225
Push Dagger 71 Epic Evil 131.5 28 53.26 Tiger 171.8 Bitches 246 673.56
Strawberry 49 Team 17 33.2 73 368.78 The Bean of Whimsical Justice 109.2 Shieldon 104 664.18
Bean Sprout 212 Damn seal 164.5 60 120.7 Oogneiss 59.1 Host/Kinlist 103.5 659.8
Fictional charcter 152 Team 17 33.2 26 117.18 Plot armor 164 Fictional character 165 631.38
Flag 79 Epic Evil 131.5 53 221.36 The Toy Where You Put The Shape In The Non-Corresponding Hole 115.9 VriskaWare 63 610.76
Teenage Trouble Claws 74 \\err:404 142.3 38 89.38 BLUEBLUE 152 F8 125.5 583.18
Cauldron 96 Wanted Contestants 0 23 405.28 Kinning 68.3 DNP 569.58
Padlock 137 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 10 65.88 Edit 63.5 Olive Garden 142 525.98
Rotob 86 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 75 144.22 Sburb 39.7 Bubs 124 511.52
Slime 96 The Ostaps 37.5 71 297.2 Like..? -11 Aries 91 510.7
Multiball 74 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 51 161.82 Metal 72.9 The Wiki Camp 3D World 48 474.32
EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡ 61 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 66 275.82 Oupydisc 49.6 Bitch 23 466.545
Traffic Regulator 72 The Ultimate Heist Crew 117.6 42 96.88 Corn Flakes 91.2 Walmart 88.3 465.98
Lost Artifact 116 Damn seal 164.5 55 34.77 Billboard 20.8 Cake at Stake 123 459.07
Tahmahtoh 99 Team 17 33.2 58 176.84 Snorty Pig 55.8 Walmart 88.3 453.14
SummerMelon.docx 200 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 72 102.4 Microsoft Word Amiibo 35.5 DNP 395.025
Perry Llelogram 79 The Mario Party 115.5 36 -189.44 Perry-Sail 92.8 Girl Mario 292 389.86
Image 124 Checkpoint 0 49 29.41 Extension Cord 7 in, SUPERDANA Power Strip Surge Protector with 12-14 USB Charging Ports and 66 AC Outlets, 900W/4A, Flat Plug Power Outlet for Home, Office, Dorm, Gaming Room, Fire 133.4 Walmart 88.3 375.11
Rolly 5 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 76 198.25 Big Tasty 75.2 HungryBox 31 366.575
Tuna 37 The Ostaps 37.5 35 278.32 DNP 352.82
Sunny 163 Team 17 33.2 68 3.75 PopCorners 97.7 Brexit 54 351.65
Font Mini 170 Damn seal 164.5 DNP 334.5
SFD Jigsaw Piece 128 Team 17 33.2 41 59.96 Trusty Pan 107.6 DNP 328.76
Mahjong Tile 65 I like this Team Name 0 3 112.69 The Universal Manual 105.9 DNP 283.59
Miso 111 Team 17 33.2 67 137.02 DNP 281.22
Heat Death of the Universe 136 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 45 66.82 Johnny 20 DNP 279.945
Tori 267 Tori DNP 267
Mugshot 209 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 DNP 266.125
CrAIyon 115 The Ostaps 37.5 2 91.72 The Wiki Camp 2inator 21.4 DNP 265.62
Candy Stick 40 Damn seal 164.5 DNP 204.5
Let Tumes Tari 27 \\err:404 142.3 82 29.7 DNP 199
Ad 146 The Sponsored Segments 45.3 70 4.65 DNP 195.95
Dodgeball 24 The Mario Party 115.5 77 28.9 DNP 168.4
Briny 65 The Sponsored Segments 45.3 4 52.09 DNP 162.39
Pentagon 119 Team 17 33.2 DNP 152.2
Black 100 The Sponsored Segments 45.3 DNP 145.3
Twimble 17 The Mario Party 115.5 DNP 132.5
Plumbers Hero 34 Team 17 33.2 62 49.85 DNP 117.05
Witch's Cauldron 52 awpccl87uttioacgiano 57.125 DNP 109.125
Ostap 19 The Ostaps 37.5 30 50.38 DNP 106.88
Wrecking Ball 62 The Ostaps 37.5 DNP 99.5
The Joker 93 I like this Team Name 0 DNP 93
Meme Folder 56 Checkpoint 0 57 30.71 DNP 86.71
Atlanta Souviner Cup 39 The Sponsored Segments 45.3 DNP 84.3
Bacon Cola 76 I like this Team Name 0 DNP 76
Staffa Island 32 The Ostaps 37.5 DNP 69.5
Creative Commons & Copyright 32 Wanted Contestants 0 DNP 32
Little Caesars Pizza 19 Little Caesars Pizza DNP 19
Number 1 Pen 14 AAAAAA 0 DNP 14
Bot the mew 12 AAAAAA 0 DNP 12
Kiny 8 Kiny DNP 8
Joseph Robinette Biden DNP DNP 0
Mark Genuine -10 Mark Genuine DNP -10

Not Including Team Challenges

This table do not include challenges that have had team components (currently Challenge 2 and Challenge 5)

Competitor Challenge 1 score Edit War edit Challenge 3 score Thing Challenge 4 score Total
Emoticon 259 14 557.9 2057.7 2874.6
Diary 333 1 794.46 Mate 1155.6 2283.06
Paper Niko 284 16 1154.52 Netflix Instant Streaming Disc 279.7 1718.22
Jurta 127 7 622.12 Sylladex 798.1 1547.22
Go Sign 114 63 628.69 "I'm With" Shirt 627.8 1370.49
ZEITGEIST 445 20 425.94 Contract 485.4 1356.34
Terra 124 33 751.95 Morning Glory Forest 304 1179.95
Head of Lettuce 371 37 492.74 Skate board 296.9 1160.64
The Computer 210 47 311.78 Mahjong Night at TWC2 626.2 1147.98
Christmas Techo Scarf 483 15 197.08 Sun Dried Techo Claw 447.1 1127.18
9150625 635 24 111.87 Stop Talking or Everybody Explodes 376.7 1123.57
Nurse Cap 456 9 313.82 Hecate's Mirror 214.9 984.72
TheLegend27 120 69 799.15 Juneside Potion 35.2 954.35
Toasty 128 27 753.78 Sad 61.2 942.98
Playlist 91 21 352.04 Remote 452.4 895.44
Mangrove 105 79 641.12 James Bond 121.1 867.22
Bullseye 377 32 270.16 Boge 216.4 863.56
The Wiki Machine 482 46 187.46 Magic 187.1 856.56
Monitor 119 81 577.34 Badges 155 851.34
Diffuser 219 64 367.13 Paper Slips 161.9 748.03
123 Referee 138 59 457.61 Fishtank 134 729.61
In a Nutshell 18 11 343.86 Greet 354.8 716.66
Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!!! 251 65 264.84 Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!! 156.4 672.24
Cellphone 105 34 217.34 PictoChat 343 665.34
Dora 92 83 372.95 The Controller Where You Press The Button To The Beat Of The Corresponding Note 181.1 646.05
McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce 183 17 291.66 SaucE3 171 645.66
SswtUPtyOLI 22 78 544.9 Baby photo's 🥹 50.2 617.1
Tombstone 248 25 140.8 Royalty Crown 224.8 613.6
T Series Car 5134 64 6 494.7 Mode 33.1 591.8
Kumon 127 22 462.61 DNP 589.61
Cauldron 96 23 405.28 Kinning 68.3 569.58
Scythie 52 74 309.78 Excallusber 183.2 544.98
Dexter Cut 237 54 149.22 Obj c ropeSwing 141.5 527.72
Strawberry 49 73 368.78 The Bean of Whimsical Justice 109.2 526.98
Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2 69 39 315.12 Sacred Rubber Sapling 136.5 520.62
U.U.F.O. 123 43 329.82 String 62.8 515.62
Toy Blocks 96 8 203.26 Arlo 211.3 510.56
Daisy 175 19 87.07 Guild 244.9 506.97
Copper Pepper 71 12 222.72 Medal detector 207 500.72
The Eater of Wikis 134 48 198.63 EPIC RAP BATTLES OF WIKI CAMP! 146.4 479.03
Open Sesame 157 13 232.84 King cake 84.7 474.54
THE BIG CHEESE 13 31 591.9 Thingamajig -143 461.9
Gamer 63 44 337.49 Red Shell 50.8 451.29
What 57 50 308.08 Goomba 76.3 441.38
Fictional charcter 152 26 117.18 Plot armor 164 433.18
Sketchy 104 29 165.4 Crystal in a Bottle 158.9 428.3
Flag 79 53 221.36 The Toy Where You Put The Shape In The Non-Corresponding Hole 115.9 416.26
LiSt 110 56 251.55 Trousers 51.3 412.85
Biscuit Tin 109 52 86.5 The Most Superb Biscuit in the World 202.2 397.7
Bean Sprout 212 60 120.7 Oogneiss 59.1 391.8
EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡ 61 66 275.82 Oupydisc 49.6 386.42
Slime 96 71 297.2 Like..? -11 382.2
Sock Hater 95 40 155.25 Portla Gun 112.7 362.95
SummerMelon.docx 200 72 102.4 Microsoft Word Amiibo 35.5 337.9
Tahmahtoh 99 58 176.84 Snorty Pig 55.8 331.64
Big Boy 52 5 125.5 Piano 147.4 324.9
Teenage Trouble Claws 74 38 89.38 BLUEBLUE 152 315.38
Tuna 37 35 278.32 DNP 315.32
Multiball 74 51 161.82 Metal 72.9 308.72
Push Dagger 71 28 53.26 Tiger 171.8 296.06
SFD Jigsaw Piece 128 41 59.96 Trusty Pan 107.6 295.56
Image 124 49 29.41 Extension Cord 7 in, SUPERDANA Power Strip Surge Protector with 12-14 USB Charging Ports and 66 AC Outlets, 900W/4A, Flat Plug Power Outlet for Home, Office, Dorm, Gaming Room, Fire 133.4 286.81
Mahjong Tile 65 3 112.69 The Universal Manual 105.9 283.59
Rolly 5 76 198.25 Big Tasty 75.2 278.45
Rotob 86 75 144.22 Sburb 39.7 269.92
Tori 267 DNP 267
Padlock 137 10 65.88 Edit 63.5 266.38
Sunny 163 68 3.75 PopCorners 97.7 264.45
Traffic Regulator 72 42 96.88 Corn Flakes 91.2 260.08
Miso 111 67 137.02 DNP 248.02
CrAIyon 115 2 91.72 The Wiki Camp 2inator 21.4 228.12
Heat Death of the Universe 136 45 66.82 Johnny 20 222.82
Mugshot 209 DNP 209
Duplo 70 80 32.3 Motherfucking qr code 105 207.3
Smobo 70 18 82.21 Pokémon 42.1 194.31
Lost Artifact 116 55 34.77 Billboard 20.8 171.57
Font Mini 170 DNP 170
Ad 146 70 4.65 DNP 150.65
Pentagon 119 DNP 119
Briny 65 4 52.09 DNP 117.09
Black 100 DNP 100
The Joker 93 DNP 93
Meme Folder 56 57 30.71 DNP 86.71
Plumbers Hero 34 62 49.85 DNP 83.85
Bacon Cola 76 DNP 76
Ostap 19 30 50.38 DNP 69.38
Wrecking Ball 62 DNP 62
Let Tumes Tari 27 82 29.7 DNP 56.7
Dodgeball 24 77 28.9 DNP 52.9
Witch's Cauldron 52 DNP 52
Candy Stick 40 DNP 40
Atlanta Souviner Cup 39 DNP 39
Creative Commons & Copyright 32 DNP 32
Staffa Island 32 DNP 32
Little Caesars Pizza 19 DNP 19
Twimble 17 DNP 17
Number 1 Pen 14 DNP 14
Bot the mew 12 DNP 12
Kiny 8 DNP 8
Joseph Robinette Biden DNP 0
Mark Genuine -10 DNP -10
Perry Llelogram 79 36 -189.44 Perry-Sail 92.8 -17.64